Midnight singing

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You slowly wake up with a cold feeling rushing through your body.

You gran a little, keeping your eyes closed as you move closer to Shawn's side, wanting to snuggle in his side and receive his warmth.

You frown a little when you notice the bed is empty besides you. You open your eyes and wait a little till you're used to the darkness.

As soon as you can see it little it's confirmed that Shawn's not in bed with you.

You push the blankets away from you before slowly standing up from the bed, staring your search for Shawn.

As you're still feeling cold you pull a thin blanket from the bed and wrap it around yourself, before walking to the attached badroom. But you find it empty and dark.

You walk out of the bedroom, immediately noticing a little light coming from the nursery as the door is a little open.

You wander towards it, softly pushing it open a little more.

Your heart melts as soon as you see what's inside.

Shawn is sitting in the rocking chair that's in the corner of the room, your two months old daughter, Skylar, is laying on his chest. Shawns large hand is resting on her little body as he slowly rocks back and for, softly humming a song to her.

You stay in the door way for a while, just watching the two loves of your life.

After a while Shawn notices someone is watching him and he looks up. One of his breathtaking smiles appears on his face as soon as he sees you.

"Hey darling, what are you doing up?" he softly asks you.

"I woke up feeling cold, and when I wanted to cuddle you you were gone" you say walking closer to him.

You bent down, pressing a soft kiss on Skylar's little head before also pressing a loving kiss on Shawn's lips.

"What are you doing up?" you then ask Shawn, standing up straight again.

He holds Skylars body close to his own as he stand up as well. "She was crying, she needed a new diaper, but she didn't want to go back to sleep after that, so I decided to just stay with her and sing to her, waiting till she would fall asleep again" he explains, walking over to the crib.

He gently lays her down, making sure not to wake her up again. As he does that you stand next to him and lean against him when he has put her down.

It doesn't take long before he wraps an arm around you, pulling you close to his body. You can feel him pressing a kiss to the top of your head and you smile.

"She is so beautiful" Shawn mumbles as the two of you look down at her small body. His words make you smile even more.

You look up at him and nod. "Yeah, I can't believe that three months ago she was still inside me" you say.

Shawn chuckles a little and nods, a big smile on his face.

You let your head rest against his shoulder as the two of you enjoy each others company.

You close your eyes, still feeling tired and listen to Shawns breathing.

Shawn notices that you almost fall asleep again and he presses another kiss to your head.

"Lets go to bed again baby, you need you sleep" he mumbles, before gently leading you back to your bedroom. 

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