Bad Days

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You felt like you were having one of the worst days ever. With everything you did something went wrong.

For instance, you woke up with a killer headache, you tried everything to get rid of it but nothing worked. Shawn's favourite shirt shrunk in the wash and you dropped at least three glasses. You felt more and more like crying with everything that happened.

You're currently standing in the kitchen of yours and Shawn's shared condo, trying to make dinner for the two of you.

Shawn is suppose to be coming home any minute now.

As you're setting the table you drop one of the plates, luckily it doesn't brake. You still groan, adding it to the list of everything else that went wrong.

As you pick it up you can hear the front door open. A small smile appears on your lips, knowing it's Shawn.

"Hello my beautiful fiancé" Shawn says as he walks into the kitchen, a smile spread across his face.

You look at him, giving him a weak smile.

"How was your day, baby?" he asks, walking closer to you before pressing a sweet and loving kiss to your lips.

You just shrug, turning to the stove and picking up the pan.

Shawn presses a soft kiss on your shoulder before walking over to the table and sitting down on one of the chairs.

As you walk over to the table, you stumble over a bag, a bag you placed there earlier.

I makes you lose the grip on the pan, letting it fall down on the ground, the food spilling all over the the floor.

That's it for you, everything becomes to much. You drop down on your knees, tears already running down your face and sobs starting to leave your lips.

You let your head rest in your hands as your body shakes from the sobs, letting all the build up frustrations and emotion from the whole day out.

It doesn't take long before you feel Shawn wrapping his arms around you, pulling you against his body as he kneels down next to you.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He whispers, pressing some kisses to the side of you head and rubbing circles on you back.

"Everything" you mumble, still crying. "Everything I do today is going wrong, I broke I don't know how many glasses, I shrunk your favourite shirt in the washer I have had a headache since the moment I woke up, I cut myself at least 5 times while cooking" you ramble tears running down your face.

Shawn pressing a kiss to your temple. "Everything will be alright honey, everyone has bad days, it's just some glasses and a shirt, they are replaceable" he tells you as he holds you close to your body, slowly rocking you back and forward. "How about, you just lay down on the couch, I will order some sushi and clean this up and then we can cuddle for the rest of the night, sounds good?" He then asks.

You let out a deep breath, finally feeling a little more relaxed. You wipe some tears from your face before slowly nodding. "Sounds great" your breath out, letting your weight lean against him.

Shawn stands up, picking you up in his movement. He carries you to the couch bridal style, gently laying you down on top of it.

"You pick out a movie for us to watch and I will join you in a second" Shawn tells you before pressing a soft but extremely loving kiss to your lips. 

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