Jealous -p 2-

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You look around the room, feeling kind of out of place between all the famous people.

You're currently at an award show with with your boyfriend of three years, Shawn, and a couple of his friends and crew members.

Although you have been to a couple of award shows you still feel weird being around so many famous people.

You are being pulled out of your string of thoughts when you feel Shawn squeezing your hand.

When you look at him you're being met with one of his breathtaking smiles.

"Are you alright?" He asks you.

You nod smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about things" you tell him.

"Perfect, is it okay if I go and say hi to some other people, I will be right back" He then ask.

You laugh a little as you nod. "Of course that's fine, I will survive" you say.

"Good, I won't be long" he says, lifting up your hand and he quickly presses a kiss on top of it before he stands up.

Your eyes follow him as he walk over to another table, greeting the people that are sitting around it.

Your eyes stay glued at one girl that's sitting at the table. You watch carefully as Shawn greets her, embracing her in a quick hug before sitting down next to her.

You feel yourself getting a little nervous as you watch the two of them talk. You can't help but notice that the girl is way more attractive than you and you can tell by the way she looks at him that he could easily get her if he wanted.

Without noticing you start to bounce your leg, something you always do when you start to feel nervous, or jealous.

You feel your heart ache when you see them laughing together. Not wanting her to make him laugh, that was something you should be doing.

After a while you get sick of seeing them together and you stand up.

You slowly walk over to him. Immediately feeling a little better when Shawn notices you and shows you a big smile.

"Hello darling" he smiles when you reach hem, taking you hand in his and pressing a kiss on top of it. "Hey" you say back to him, leaning down and pressing a kiss on his lips.

You quickly glance at the girl Shawn was talking to, feeling a little satisfied when you see that she looks kind of annoyed.

"I don't believe the two of you have met right?" Shawn then asks, looking between you and the other girl.

You slowly shake your head.

Shawn smiles. "Jessica, this is my beautiful girlfriend y/n. Y/n this is Jessica, we met at photo shoot a few years ago" Shawn introduces the two of you.

Jessica mumbles a quiet hello, clearly annoyed that you're here, interrupting the conversation they were having.

"What brings you here?" Shawn asks you, focusing only on you. His hand still holding yours.

You quickly think of something so you can get him away from her.

"Andrew sent me to get you, he says they're about to start" you lie to him.

You know Shawn knows you to well and he knows that you're lying.

You feel relieved when Shawn nods and stands up. "Perfect, thanks, is will talk to you later Jess" Shawn says, tightening the grip on your hand before the two of you walk away.

"You're cute when you're jealous" Shawn says to you, looking at you with a small grin on his face.

You immediately feel your cheeks burn up, feeling busted.

Shawn laughs at your reaction. "It's okay, I like it, it makes me love you even more" he mumbles, leaning down to you and connecting your lips for a loving kiss.

You let out a little chuckle. "I love you too, otherwise I wouldn't be jealous" you tell him. 

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