Meeting his mom

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You slowly walk down the stairs. Hearing some noice coming from the kitchen.

You don't know what it is, it scares you a little. Shawn wasn't suppose to be coming home until tomorrow and you didn't know anyone else who just comes in his house.

"Hello?" You ask as you slowly push the kitchen door open.

There was a woman inside. She startles a little at your voice. As she turned around you recognise her from the pictures around the apartment and that Shawn showed you. It is Karen, his mom.

"Oh my, dear, you startled me a little, I didn't know anyone was here. You must be Y/N, right?" She gives you a sweet smile.

You chew your lip a little and nod. You pull down Shawn's shirt I'm wearing, feeling a little awkward since it was the only thing you are wearing besides some underwear.

"Yes, yes, I am. I'm sorry I startled you, I just didn't expect anyone to be here. Shawn gave me the key for when I didn't want to be home, I didn't thought someone else to be here as well. You're Karen right?" You had to stop yourself from rambling. Feeling a little nerves as this was the first time you actually met her.

She walks over to you, surprising you by pulling you in a hug. "Please don't apologise. It's so nice to finally meet you Shawn told us a lot about you."

You feel myself blushing a little. "It's very nice to meet you as well. If I knew you were coming I would have worn something else. I expected to be alone."

She chuckles a little. "It's perfectly fine dear, I usually don't come here, only when Shawn is coming back from tour to make him some soup, so he has something to eat when he gets home and clean up a little, have you been here long?"

You sit down at one of the barstools and shake your head. "No, I got here last night, I only come here when I don't want to be at home" you explain to her.

She gives you a little sympathetic smile. "Shawn told us you have some trouble at home sometimes, is everything going alright?"

You shrug and give her a little smile. It feels nice talking to her about it, which also feels a little weird since this was the first time you spoke to her. But somehow she made you feel really comfortable, having the feeling she's really interested in what you're telling her and really listens.

"It's just stupid stuff, something about my study, it has been going on for a few years" you tell her.

She starts chopping some vegetable and looks at you. "That doesn't sound nice, what's it about?"

You chew your lip a little, not quite sure if you want to bother her with your life problems.

She notices my hesitance. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, but I'm happy to listen if you want to talk about it."

Her words make you smile. "My dad is a well known lawyer, he also has his own firm, it used to belong to my grandfather. Since I'm an only child I was told that I had to go and study Law and take over the firm when my dad would retire. When I was younger I didn't mind it, but now that I actually am studying it, I actually hate it. I find it extremely boring and I just don't want to do it for the rest of my life. But my parents won't let me stop and study something else" you tell her.

You feel a lump in your throat as you talk about. You pull my legs to my chest, pulling the shirt over them.

"Oh dear, that sounds awful, I can't imagine forcing my child to do something they don't want to do." She gives you a sympathetic smile.

You try to swallow away the lump but fail. You chew my lip a little.

You know that it's bad what you parents do, but you never really think about it without being in a fight with them.

"Darling, I didn't mean to upset you. You can always come and talk to me if you want to and I know Shawn would say the same."

You didn't realise there were some tears running down your face until Karen mentions it and pulls you in a hug.

"You didn't upset me, it's just that I never really think about it without being in the middle of a fight. I sometimes have the feeling that I can't have a normal conversation about it with them, every time i start talking about it and want to tell them my side and feelings they go in like a defence mode telling me I have to do it because it's a family business and it should stay in the family."

Her hug feels nice and warm, making you feel a little loved.

She pulls herself away from you. "As I said, you can always come talk to me and you are always welcome to come to our house when Shawn is on tour and you don't want to be alone" she tells you, wiping some tears away from your face.

You give her a smile. "Thank you, that means a lot. I can see where Shawn got his good manners from."

Your words make her chuckle a little. "Well I'm glad to hear that he's being a good guy and that something went right raising him."

You augh with her. "He's the best, he really is!" 

Muffin Boy Imagines |Shawn Mendes|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें