19. Her Prisoner

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A/N: *Mature Content*

13. "Stay where you are. Tonight, you are my prisoner."

On a warm September night, Kyo was skimming through a literature textbook for an upcoming exam with great concentration. He has always liked to study for exams by himself. Though homework was a different issue—that one he was willing to do with Tohru nowadays.

A sudden knock on the door tore his attention away from his book to his alarm clock which said it was a few minutes past ten. Normally, he would be annoyed at the interruption, but he would recognize that meek, polite knock anywhere.

It made a grin stretch across his face.

"Kyo-kun?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Come in, Tohru," he responded.

On the outside, Tohru took a shuddering breath and turned around his doorknob to peek her head in.

At that moment, Kyo was pushing his orange-rimmed reading glasses over the bridge of his nose. Her breath hitched. He looked so cute and hot with those glasses.

Kyo would say it was for getting into the mood to study. Hatsuharu would say that Kyo's glasses were for fashion purposes since he already possessed a very good eyesight. And Tohru would say they were for driving her absolutely crazy.

Tohru entered the room quietly. She closed the door with as little noise as possible and looked over at her boyfriend, now checking him out from head to toe. His almost damp orange locks messily hang over his forehead, reaching up to touch the orange frames. His eyes were shining as he looked at her, a beautiful big grin across his face. Then there was the posture he was sitting in. He had no business looking like a model so late at night.

His back was against the wall beneath the window, one of his knees pulled up to his chest and the other one stretched out with a textbook resting on top of his thigh. His tanned arms were bare since his short sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders due to the heat, letting her see the flexing muscles of his bicep as he rested his elbow on his raised knee while his other hand hovered the book.

She knew it was normal. He sat like that often. He wore those glasses and clothes often too. And he always looked incredibly handsome.

But tonight was different.

There was something she wanted to do.

That's why she couldn't stop stealing glances at him ever since he returned home from the dojo three hours ago. Throughout the dinner, her gaze kept gravitating to his lips, his fingers, his collarbone-

"What's up, Tohru?" Kyo asked, still grinning. He was always happy to see her, regardless of the time. Even though she should be in bed by now. He had told her that he might or might not join her in bed tonight since he planned to stay up late studying, and he didn't want to disturb her sleep if he were to come in her bedroom. She was, of course, upsetted by it, considering they would always cuddle each other to sleep nowadays. But she had insisted that he came back to her room, still, no matter how late it was. And he had said that he would. So what brought her here now?

Seeing Kyo's happy face made her feel guilty, and at the same time, helped spread the warmth in between her legs.

Tohru being Tohru, she let the guilt come first, so she asked, "Am I disturbing you?" She knew he was studying, then why did she come? Why couldn't she just wait? Why couldn't she control her desires?

"No, not at all. Did you want something?" Kyo prompted.

Without replying, she padded over to the spot next to him and sat down. Now that she was here, she wasn't sure how she should bring it up. Their physical relationship was still fairly new.

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