66. Assassin and Spy

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A/N: Again AU time, guys! When vaxxyie suggested this idea, I laughed so hard at its uniqueness. Kyoru-the spy couple. But I'm so sorry that I just couldn't juggle with that alone. At that time, I was reading "Spy x Family" manga, and I was so into it, so this ended up happening, and I don't regret it. Therefore, you have Kyoru-Spy and Assassin couple, lol. But in no way is the plot remotely similar to Spy X Family. I don't know what I did with this chapter, but the plot of it, I wanted to try it out for so long, and this setting seemed perfect, so why not? Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy~

25. "We are like gun and bullet. We belong together."

The Sohma family, better known as the Sohma Agency or SA, works for the government. Every member of the family starts training from the age of twelve, and when they graduate from university, they can choose what they want to become.

Spy. Intelligence member. Assassin. Mercenary. Diplomat. Anything that could help the government.

Assassins are the ones who do the dirtiest work. Their hands are the ones that are soaked in the most blood. Only for the sake of the county. Because no innocent person should have to suffer the plots of the terrorists-that's their motto.

However, most people wonder, why would anyone want to choose to kill as their profession unless they're some sorta sicko. That's why they are looked down on by the general Sohma folk. Even mercenaries are respected better because they are like soldiers and they don't usually kill.

Kyo Sohma is an assassin, codenamed 'Cat' because SA assigned him the power to transform into a cat at his will, with the help of a wristwatch developed by them. Only thirteen Sohmas are given those wristwatches to transform into animals. Thankfully, Kyo is one of them. It makes his work easier. He's the best assassin from SA. But still, looked down on. Why? He likes to think it's because they are jealous that the cat is a common picture in every place and is more agile than most animals. But what they say is, he's simply someone who kills-a murderer. Appreciated are those overrated spies. Someone like Yuki Sohma-the one with Rat power who can crawl into anywhere.

Kyo hates Yuki. Because even though they are the best in their respective fields, Yuki is the one only shown appreciation.

Even though spies are held in great regard, Kyo won't trade his job for life. He loves his job. It pays the same as being a spy and better than a mercenary. It has more freedom. There's a thrill in killing those heinous people, in knowing that by putting an end to ten troublesome lives, he's saving thousands of innocent lives.

All that being said, Kyo doesn't hate all the spies. Well, he does. Except one. Only one. The one spy who doesn't truly look down on him.

Tohru Honda. The sweet, bubbly girl-next-door. Long chocolate brown hair. Warm brown eyes. Contagious smile. Innocent face. As polite and kind as they come. Works as a kindergarten teacher. Or so she pretends to.

She is actually a spy. Codename: Riceball. Even though every Sohma has to join SA, outsiders can apply as well. So Tohru did, and she got accepted due to her brilliant skills. She's only second best to Yuki. While she may not be given an animal power for not being a Sohma, she has her own secret power-which is, she can charm just about anyone; you can't help but be melted by that smile of hers.

Tohru and Kyo have worked on several projects till now. She collects the information and he acts on it. She needs a date to a high-class party and he's the date. He shoots down enemies from the car window and she drives that car.

They are also neighbors. She lives in the apartment complex in front of his. They always hang out in his apartment. They buy groceries together, watch movies together, and... also have sex.

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