60. Move On Part 2

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A/N: Hey, guys, I'm back to fill you guys with sadness! Ta-da! Actually, this has been in my draft for a very very long time, but I was too shy to publish it. But after reading lolidunn0 sequel (which made me so unbelievably happy and sad) I just can't get it out of my head and I was feeling itchy to get it out there, so here it is. This is the second part of chapter 31 (those who don't remember, I request you to re-read since it's been a very long time). Also, the picture above is something like a shot of Tohru's cabinet shelf top. Anyways, I hope I got the emotions down right. I can't say enjoy, I'll just say, feel it!

It's that day of drowning again—choking on grief, sadness, memories, and Tohru's all-time partner depression.

Tohru doesn't want to move at all. She wants to stay grounded to that rock bottom of the cold sea that makes her numb to any happy feelings or positivity.

Why does this day have to come? She had promised herself that, on Kyo's second death anniversary, she will go visit him for the first time. But six months ago, this day had seemed so far away.

Now... it's already here in a blink of an eye.

She had gone through the whole year just fine. She can convince almost anyone that she has moved on and she is happy now. But little do they know that she hasn't lost Kyo in her heart but has lost herself.

She doesn't see the good in the world anymore like before. She doesn't look at the sun and thank it for bringing light and warmth to their world, rather she curses it for shining so bright when it's all still so dark and cold for her, when her personal sunshine no longer exists.

But no one needs to know how she is so dead inside. She doubts that her dead soul would ever truly be alive, not until she reunited with her soulmate again—the only being who could spark her to life.

Despite that, she has gotten very good at acting. Was she really good at it, or was it just that no one else could read her as well as Kyo could, or was she actually getting better? It doesn't matter. The fewer questions she is asked, the better.

Her best friends and the Sohmas have been extremely supportive since the start. She's grateful for that. It's because of them she hasn't forgotten how to smile genuinely yet. They remind her again and again that they are always there for her. Even if the person she needs the most isn't.

However, her close people believe her when she says that she's doing okay. They talk about Kyo fondly with her, reminiscing the memories together. If Kyo was here, he might have thought they were all doing it for her sake, pretending to show that they cared for Kyo. But that wasn't the truth. Everyone had cried at the news of his death. Many were even devastated.

Yuki had lost the rival he had admired his whole life, always wanting to befriend Kyo, and when he finally got there, Kyo was gone. Hatsuharu had lost the sparring partner who had guided him to the bathroom since they were little and always taking him up random spar offers and falling for his baits. Isuzu lost the younger brother with whom she would always bicker and fight for Kazuma's attention. Momiji had lost the testy friend who he loved to hug and smother because Kyo used to hate physical affection. Kagura had lost the first love who didn't hate her, rather thanked her for playing and staying by his side as a child, even if she was cruel towards him. Kisa had lost the older brother who once fended off a creep who tried to hit on her on the way from school and had taught her self-defense to protect herself. Hiro had lost the fellow miserable boyfriend who would become a third-wheel between their girlfriends and end up being his company. Even Ayame, Hatori, and Shigure had shed tears.

Even if all of their losses combined amounted to nothing compared to what Tohru lost, it's nice to know that Kyo isn't being forgotten, that everyone remembered what an amazing person he was, and to have the proof that he isn't a made-up person from her imagination.

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