16. The Best Gift

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40. "Did it occur to you that you're hurting me too?"

"Welcome home, Kyo-kun!" Tohru exclaimed, happily wrapping her arms around her husband's midsection as soon as he dropped his dojo bag on the genkan.

She tilted up her head, asking for a kiss with a pout. Kyo chuckled before leaning down to give her what she wanted. She grinned in satisfaction.

"Did something good happen today?" Kyo inquired when she pulled away from the kiss but still had arms around him.

"Why do you ask?" Tohru asked with a mischievous glint.

"You literally seem to be floating in the air," he expressed and affectionately squished her cheeks to mash her big grin into a funny one.

"What, you don't want to see me happy?" she accuses playfully, looking comical in her attempt to talk.

He laughed lightly and pecked her lips. "That's not it, you goof. I always want you to be happy, even the happiest. But you know what I mean," he said and let go of her cheeks.

She giggled sheepishly and admitted, "You are right. I'm happy. No, I'm floating in the air."

Kyo raised an eyebrow in question, excited to share her happiness. Maybe something good happened at her work? Maybe something good happened to someone else?

Tohru stepped away from him and turned around. "I'll tell you later, though. I prepared your bath. Dinner will be ready when you come out." With that, she trekked back inside, her feet really light as if she was actually floating on air.

"What's wrong with her today?" Kyo affectionately let out, shaking his head at her cute antics.

• • • • •

"Oh, my God, what is this?" Kyo was shocked by the amount of variety of food on the dining table—most of them were his favorites.

Like many other unusual days, his wife had outdone herself with the dinner preparation.

"What's the reason behind this feast? Did you invite the whole neighborhood?"

"No, Kyo-kun, of course not. All of it for you," she said with a small laugh.

"Huh? Is it my birthday?" he asked dumbly, though he knew it wasn't. It was December. His birthday was still a month away. Even Christmas was a couple of weeks further ahead. There was nothing to celebrate at the moment.

So what was the occasion?

Tohru frowned. "No, Kyo-kun. Just sit." She grabbed his wrist and tugged him down to sit on the chair. "I got home early today and there was a mega sale at the store, so I thought why not?" she stated as if that was the most natural thing to do just any day. "Don't you like it?"

"It's not that. All of this... they look amazing. Mouthwatering, to be frank," Kyo said sheepishly, pointing at all the delicious-looking dishes. "And I can't wait to eat 'em. But Tohru, I'm curious to know why."

She twitched her lips as if she was wondering if she should say anything.

He arched an eyebrow suspiciously and suggested, "Did you do something bad and think I'll get mad?"

"No, I didn't do anything like that!" she immediately protested.

"Then what is it?" he prompted.

Tohru sighed in defeat, then pulled up a sweet smile on her lips and came to sit on his lap. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist while she locked hers around his neck.

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