48. Merry Christmas

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A/N: Thank you @Kneecapsj for requesting this. I really enjoyed writing this! By the way, Happy Valentine's Day! A Christmas one-shot on this day, heh, ironic. But this is my valentine's gift to you guys since you guys have made me so much happy with your comments. I have been having so many shitty days lately and feel like everything is about to go wrong in my life. So really, your comments mean so much and they make my day. Thank you so much for all your love and motivation! Love you guys!

59. "You look really cute in that sweater."

The Sohmas were not big on Christmas since New Years was such a big deal.

In fact, the first Christmas Tohru spent at Shigure's, when she had asked the boys what their plans were since she had plans with her best friends, they gave her a blank look and said 'the usual stuff' with a shrug. Tohru was bummed after that and had gone to Hana-chan's house with Uo-chan to celebrate Christmas as planned. Now that she thought about it, she felt awful for just leaving. 

Christmas used to be really special for her and her mom.

By the second Christmas, the people at Shigure's house, mainly Kyo and Yuki were special to her. That's why Tohru baked a Christmas cake that time, surprising all the residents, but they were all happy. Somehow, Momiji, Hatsuharu, Kisa, and Hiro got to know, and they had come over as well. They all watched a Christmas movie together. It turned out to be a pretty nice Christmas.

However, for Tohru's third Christmas at Shigure's house, Tohru didn't have to do anything.

She comes back home from her part-time job earlier than usual, in a hurry to drop off her bag and head to the grocery store and get the baking ingredients. But to her surprise, she sees many pairs of shoes on the genkan and hears some noises.

"—not ready yet!"

"—gonna be home!"

As Tohru gets closer, she hears the voices clearly.

"No, I'm not burnin' it! I'm tellin' you the timer will go off when it's ready," Kyo hisses.

"I'm not really sure I trust you, though," Yuki says skeptically.

"Like you can talk. You did nothing but cause damn trouble," Kyo taunts.

"Hey, practice makes perfect—"

"Yuki, can I order pizza too?" Hatsuharu interrupts.

"No, Haru, order what we told you to," Yuki replies in exasperation.

"Hey, Kyo, is this okay?" Momiji asks in an excited tone.

"What do I know?" Kyo hollers.

"Why shouldn't you know? Shouldn't you have thought this through?" comes Hiro's snarky response.

"Hiro-chan, you don't need to be mean about it. I'm sure we can get this ready ourselves," Kisa says softly.

"Um, guys, what are you doing?"

All of them freeze.

Tohru walks into the kitchen and first catches Kyo and Yuki. Both of them are wide-eyed, battered in cream and flour, and Yuki is even wearing an apron. Her eyes shift to the oven where she can see a cake being baked, then turns to Hatsuharu who is standing near the screen door with his phone in hand, then to the living room which looks nothing like how she left it. There was a medium-sized Christmas tree next to the TV, being decorated by Momiji, Kisa, and Hiro. The whole living room is decorated with Christmas decorations. And in the corner, if it's not a ghost, Rin is sitting there.

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