51. So Hot

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A/N: Kinda mature? But not really? I wrote this chapter a long time but was so shy to publish. I personally like this myself. Anyways, Tohru is a normal teenage girl with sexual desires and frustrations, so here it goes:

66. "Dang, it's so hot."

Tohru bolts up from her sleep, panting and gasping. Her vision is glazed as she looks around her room basking in the faint sunlight peeking through her open window. She feels a shiver down her spine as the spring air blows in.

Tohru feels strange in between her legs. Reluctantly, she touches herself there and almost shrieks at how wet her underwear feels.

Then she remembers the dream she just had now.

It was about Kyo.

Well, that part was fine. Unless he wasn't doing things down there. And worse is, she enjoyed it. A little too much. She was even shamelessly begging for more. Because, oh God, his fingers and mouth felt so good.

She starts to touch herself again with the images of Kyo still vivid in her brain, rubbing herself in the way he had been. He was shirtless, on his knees, his hands gripping her hips, his mouth on her c—

"Oh, my gosh!" Her eyes blow wide open and she pulls out her hand from her pajama pants.

What is she thinking? That too, about Kyo? How shameful! So dirty!

How would Kyo feel if he got to know that she was having wet dreams about him right across the hallway? He would probably never be able to meet her gaze.

Tohru shakes her head vigorously. She shouldn't be thinking like that about her modest roommate. Exactly! He is her roommate for God's sake! One of her best friends! Her biggest crush! The hottest guy she has—

Err, stop it, Tohru!

Tohru feels even dirtier as this isn't the first time she has had such dreams about Kyo. They had started out as innocent and warm at first, just the two of them spending time with each other (which she thought was them just being really good friends) which progressed to holding hands, then kisses, then biting, clothes coming off. But it's the first time the dream went down there.

However, she doesn't understand why she has such dreams about him. Why only him? Why always him?

Tohru glances at the paper flower sitting on her bedside table. Was today's dream because of that?

Last night, she fell asleep while staring at the flower. It was like an invaluable piece of art that she couldn't stop admiring. It was something Kyo gave to her. He made it with his own hands. Only for her. It's precious.

A smile blooms on her face thinking about that heart-thumping moment from last week. How beautiful he had looked with the sunset reflecting on his tanned skin...

But the next moment, lost in Kyo's thought as her eyes fall on her mother's picture, she is hit with a train of guilt. The first person she should be thinking of after waking up is her mother. Not anyone else.

But for a while now, her first thought is always Kyo—Is Kyo up already? Is Kyo still out running? Is  Kyo sleeping in today? Kyo this, Kyo that... It's him always occupying her thoughts while her mother keeps drifting away from her mind.

Tohru sighs and gets down from her bed. She needs to take a shower and clean herself up. It will probably calm her down and help her to keep these impure thoughts under check. So she takes a nice, long shower, thinking it will help her.

Well, it doesn't help.

Because the moment Kyo trudges in the kitchen dressed in his school uniform while she is preparing breakfast, the images from her dream flash in front of her eyes, and her cheeks heat up like they are on fire.

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