62. Don't Mess With My Family

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A/N: Princessofaura gave this awesome idea just like the previous one, so here it is! This is like a part 2 of the previous chapter, but I used a different prompt because it just flowed well. Anyways, spoiler alert: there is a very satisfying punch in this. XD. Enjoy!

 18. "Don't you dare mess with my family!"

"Sweetie, how did you get lost?" Tohru asks her eldest son after everything has calmed down and the dinner is wrapped up.

They are now all sitting around the living room table with Hajime sitting in between Tohru and Kyo, Kazuya playing around in the corner with blocks while Kazuma looks after him.

"There was this construction site in the second street outside the Sohma estate," Hajime starts.

"Ah, shit, I didn't know there was construction going on in between the regular route to Yuki's house. I'm so sorry, Hajime," Kyo apologizes for the umpteenth time.

Hajime turns from his mom to his dad and flashes a big assuring smile. "It's okay, Dad! I'm okay now! It wasn't your fault. To be honest, it was my mistake," he says a little sheepishly.

"Of course, you are a kid. You will get lost if you just try to figure out the streets on your own. You should have asked someone else—"

Hajime interrupts his dad and says, "I did! I asked this grandpa and he told me the way."

"And you forgot the way?" Tohru says, frowning slightly. Hajime wasn't one to forget anything easily.

"No, I remembered clearly, Mom. But that grandpa didn't know the way himself. Because I ended up in this empty area after that," Hajime says, shivering as he remembers how scared he felt when he got there and saw nothing familiar.

Tohru hugs Hajime, covering him with her motherly affection, and Kyo rubs his back in circles from behind. "I'm sure that must have been scary, sweetie."

"That stupid man... If he doesn't know the address, why bother misleading the poor kid? That too, send him in the opposite direction," Kyo grumbles, and at that, Hajime turns back.

"You know, Dad, that grandpa looked kinda like you," Hajime says, and Kyo freezes.

"Li-like me?"

Hajime nods fervently and gets out of his mom's arms to examine his dad's face. "Yes, he did. His face structure resembles you. Of course, he didn't have orange hair or reddish eyes," he says with a small laugh.

"Did he... have dark hair?"

Hajime's eyes lit up. "How did you know, Dad?"

"Was he angry?"

"He was! I thought maybe he was just in a bad mood. Why do you ask, Dad?" Hajime asks curiously, then he sees his dad's jaw clench and his eyes blazing red in the way they did when he was raging.

"Nothing, Hajime." Kyo gets up and heads out of the living room without another word, heading towards the front door of the house.

"Hajime-kun, I'll be right back!" Tohru is also up on her feet as she hurriedly runs after Kyo. "Darling, please stop..."

Hajime hears some quiet arguing between his parents before Kyo storms upstairs, his footsteps receding like doom. Tohru comes back into the living room and says frantically, "Dad, can you please take the kids outside for a while?" With that, she also dashes upstairs.

Hajime looks at his grandpa in confusion. "Grandpa, did I make Dad mad again?"

Kazuma gives him a kind smile. "No, Hajime." Then he glances at the ceiling and gives him a bigger smile. "But what do you think about a walk outside?"

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