47. Ms. Red and Mr. Wolf

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A/N: when @chillbom requested this, I had planned to publish it on Halloween itself, but then I dropped out of the map. Heheh. I don't know why it turned out the way it did, but it just did. Anyways, thank you for requesting this, and I hope you all enjoy it!

11. "Am I supposed to be scared of you?"

To say Tohru Honda loves Halloween is an understatement. She waits for this day to come every year with eagerness. First, because she gets to see children happy to get candies. Second, everyone looks so adorable in their costumes.

Though Tohru herself has never been much for trick-or-treating or wearing costumes herself.

When she was little, she was too self-conscious to go to doorsteps to get candies by herself, so her mom had to accompany her, and she didn't want to spend any money on costumes since her mom was already struggling.

However, this year, Ayame specially made an outfit for her. Apparently, he couldn't stand seeing the kids so colorless like last year, so he took it upon himself to grace her, Yuki, and even Kyo with his immaculate needlework. Tohru thought it was too generous, but she couldn't turn it down after Ayame's persistence.

So now, she stands in front of her dressing table, twirling around to flourish the frilly skirt and the long red cape. She thinks the knee socks are too high and there was too much red (even Kyo can't pull off this much red) but everything else seems okay. She smiles at her reflection and picks up the basket to pose. Maybe the excess red isn't so bad, except for being flashy.

She wonders how Kyo will think she looks. It will be their first Halloween together as a couple. She's excited to see him dressed up as well.

As if on cue, there's a knock on the door.

"Tohru, are you ready?" Kyo asks from outside.

"Yes, I'm ready! You can come in!"

She hears the door open behind her and turns around, introducing, "Hello, I'm Miss Little Red Riding Hood."

"Oh, wow." Kyo has an impressed look on his face. He approaches her and takes her free hand to lay a soft kiss on her knuckles. "My wolf instincts say that this gorgeous lady is very delicious."

His costume is perfect as her counterpart, the big bad wolf. He is wearing a maroon red top with gray fur spreading from his chest to his arms with claw gloves, matched with black jeans and brown boots.

Unlike the traditional wolf mask, Ayame only got him the ears and masquerade eye mask, because according to him, Kyo's face is both attractive and scary depending on his expression, so it would be a shame to cover such a marvelous example of the Sohma gene. Therefore, this wolf has ended up exhibiting more pheromones than death shivers.

Tohru giggles and replies, "And I don't think I'll mind Mr. Big Bad Wolf biting me with his sharp teeth." She pokes his fake canine teeth.

"Please don't do that. We really need to get to the party, and this is not helping," Kyo requests, and she laughs more. "Don't laugh. Ugh... Rawr!"

Tohru doubles over from laughing and clutches her sides. "I don't think that's what a wolf sounds like, Kyo-kun."

Kyo rolls his eyes and claws at her, well aware that it makes him seem silly, but what won't he do to make her laugh? He makes more aggressive wild sounds, which he's not even sure which animals they belong to, but she laughs nonetheless, and it makes him happy.

When he's satisfied with her laughs, he grabs her from behind and puts his sharp fake teeth on her throat. "Since you don't mind me biting you, shall I start from the neck?" She suppresses her giggles and nods. "Hey, you're not supposed to be like that."

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