12. Who Did It?

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12. "Who did it?"

"Good evening, Honda-san," Yuki greeted with a soft smile, walking in the kitchen where Tohru was making preparations for dinner.

"Welcome home, Yuki-kun!" Tohru chirped, flashing him a warm smile, and noticed a stack of papers in his hand. "What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, this? These are pamphlets we need to distribute tomorrow," he replied.

"You almost never bring your work home," said Tohru.

"I wouldn't have. Actually, when I went out to print these, Kakeru locked the student council room and already went home." Yuki released a frustrated sigh, placing the stack of pamphlets on the table.

"Oh, I see."

"Tohru, is the dinner ready yet? I'm starvin'." Kyo walked into the kitchen.

"Then why don't you make your own? It's not even dinner time yet," Yuki retorted.

"I would if she would let me." Kyo glared at the former rat.

"Guys, please don't fight," Tohru tried to make peace, holding up her ladle.

"We aren't fighting," the two of them replied in unison, glaring at each other sideways.

She lowered her ladle and a satisfied smile took form on her face, seeing their neutral relationship. She was glad that they weren't hostile towards each other anymore. Even if it's only been a few weeks since curse break.

"I'm going to my room," Yuki declared and went out of the kitchen, leaving Kyo and Tohru alone.

"Okay," responded Tohru.

Kyo leaned against the kitchen counter and inquired, "Whatcha making?"

"Grilled fish and vegetable stew," she answered.

"Nice." He started fiddling with a glass in his hand.

"Are you really very hungry?" She innocently stared at him with her big brown eyes.

He nodded, his eyes roaming around the kitchen searching for something edible, until his dilated pupils landed on her, to be precise, on her mouth. Ever since he kissed her roughly a few days ago, he just couldn't have enough of those soft, luscious lips.

Kyo licked his lips and said, "Kind of." He tried to look around everywhere but her. Yet, his gaze would turn back to her again and again. He wanted her so much. All of it. So completely and desperately.

And she wanted him too. Just as much. Those thoughts were so heady.

All that was needed was for the house to be left alone and they could have each other. It was getting harder and harder to keep his hands to himself, to not get intense, and to give a damn about Yuki and Shigure's presence.

To divert his mind, Kyo urged, "Enough about me. How was your day?"

"You were with me the whole day. You should know." Tohru chuckled, stirring the pot in the stove. Her laughter made his heart race faster than usual, his desire only fueling.

Kyo lowered his head, breathing heavily. He pulled the edge of his shirt, playing with it to keep himself distracted. "But others were with us," which he hated so much. No one wanted to leave them alone as if they magically knew that the two of them were animals craving for each other.

"I guess so." Tohru giggled. "The stew will be done in a while. Then you can eat." He nodded his head. "Oh, I forgot to add pepper in the fish," she remembered and opened the cabinet.

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