14. I Wish You Were Here

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15. "I wish you were here."

"I'm home!" Tohru hollered after returning home from work, a bright smile displaying on her lips, only to be met with dread silence like always. But that should be okay since Kyo would be home soon—

Her smile faltered.

Oh, right. Kyo wasn't going to be home tonight.

A deserted look covered her face as she went to their bedroom. She smiled a little, looking at Kyo's smiling face at one of their pictures together on the nightstand.

She dropped her purse on the table and let out an exhausted sigh. She changed out of her clothes and took a quick shower before starting on dinner, all the while with an anticipating pout looming over her face.

"When am I going to hear his voice?" she ruefully mumbled to herself, repeatedly glancing at her phone screen, while stirring the curry.

Just then the screen lit up and a big grin formed on her face as she turned the flame low to pick up the call.

"Hi, Kyo-kun!" she exclaimed triumphantly.

"Hey, you."

Waiting all day to hear his voice was definitely worth it.

"How are you? Have you eaten your dinner yet?" she inquired.

"No, it's barely six, dummy," He let out a hopeless chortle at her silliness. "However, I'm doin' great." Her heart felt at ease. "What about you?"

"I'm great too!" she chimed. "But," her voice degraded into a sadder one, longing visible in her eyes. "I'm just a little lonely," she admitted.

"I know," he said ruefully. "Even if I'm so busy here and always am surrounded by chaos, I miss you like crazy all the time."

"I miss you too," she whispered, her voice barely hiding her neediness. "When will you be back again?"

"The tournament should be over within a week or so."

"How are the kids doing? Do you think any of them will win?" she asked, sitting down at their dining table chair.

"Pretty great. You won't believe what happened today..." he started to excitedly narrate about his day.

Kyo was one of the instructors in charge of a group of dojo kids who were participating in the prefectural tournament. So they were now at the center of the prefecture where the tournament was taking place. They were lodging there for the time being since up down every day would be exhausting for everyone involved.

It's been six months since Tohru and Kyo started living together, and they have never been apart for a single day since then. So now that Kyo was gone for three days already, Tohru was utterly lonely. She hated sleeping alone in their bed.

When he was leaving, Tohru didn't want to let go at all. Obviously, she had cried buckets. He had joked that she was acting like he wasn't leaving for ten days, rather for eternity. The joke had cost him half an hour of lecture about how he shouldn't talk like that.

"... hoping for Kuro to get into the finals," Kyo enthusiastically told her all about his students' progress, how he was so proud of them, how much he was looking forward to his students winning the tournament.

"I'm sure Kuro and the others will do great!" Tohru proclaimed. "I'm so glad you're having fun!"

"I am. At the same time, I am not, though."

A slight frown stretched across her face, wondering what could have made her Kyo not have fun. "Why, Kyo-kun?" Were the instructors from other dojos trying to bully him for his hair color or his young age?

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