41. Valentine's Day

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A/N: Thank you so much to Cloud2168 for suggesting this and for always supporting me! Love you a bunch! I'll soon start working on the other ones too, so don't worry, everyone!

61. "I promise I'll always be your Valentine."

"What are you doing?"

Tohru jumps at the sudden voice and almost drops the tray of chocolates from her hand. She quickly puts it inside the fridge and looks over her shoulder and finds Kyo standing at the door frame. "Kyo-kun! Why are you up?"

Kyo rubs his eyes and walks into the kitchen. "I can ask you the same. Why didn't you come to bed yet? I fell asleep while waiting for you."

"Really? I think you fell asleep right after dinner," she answers sheepishly. He had been dozing off even at the dinner table, and when that was over, he went straight to her room and hit the bed.

"Don't sweat the details, okay? I was exhausted. Shishou's been merciless lately."

Tohru smiles warmly and explains, "He's doing that for your own good. He wants you to be prepared for your new job."

He shrugs. "I know that- hey, don't divert me!"

Tohru chuckles, and he frowns. "Sorry."

"So now, answer me, will ya? What have you been up to?"

Tohru looks around nervously and shifts on her feet. "I was just, um... doing something."

Kyo narrows his eyes on her, then examines the whole kitchen. Cocoa powder packets, open sugar lid, coconut oil, honey, trays, baking mat, pot with dark stains, and many other things he doesn't know the name of. "Don't tell me you are making chocolates for Valentine's Day."

Tohru just looks down. She knows she's about to be lectured for many reasons.

Kyo sighs and folds his arms over his chest. "Tohru, I thought you said you weren't making them this year."

"I know."

"Then why? You're the one who insisted all this stuff cost too much money and you want to save up for our moving away. Plus, it's 1 o'clock, Tohru. We have school tomorrow, and you're still awake. You're gonna ruin your health like that. And don't even get me started on how drained out you look. Since when did you start on this? And how many people are you making them for? I bet you're making chocolates for all the damn idiots in the Sohma family and your friends."

Tohru feels like crying after this, not from Kyo's endless scolding, but as she's reminded of the reason she's doing this.

Though Kyo is mad at Tohru for always putting everyone ahead of herself, he waits for her to compose herself.

Tohru takes a sharp breath and finally starts to explain, "I'm sorry, Kyo-kun. I know I said I wouldn't. But... I just... I just wanted to do this for them for the last time." A few tears slid down her cheeks. "I've been giving chocolates to all the Sohmas I know for the last two years. I couldn't possibly not give them anything for our last Valentine's together. They all mean so much to me."

Kyo softens at her reasonings, his anger melting away like butter on a frying pan.

"Geez, I should've known." He unfolds his arms and steps closer to her. He takes her hands in his and says gently, "You're such a... Ugh, I can't find the right word, but whatever, you know what I mean. But the thing is, I understand now, and I'm sorry for scolding you."

Tohru looks up at his face and protests, "Please, no, I should've told you sooner."

Kyo shakes his head. "Nah, I can see why you didn't tell."

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