75. Sports Day

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A/N: Hi. An update after a long long time. This was written way back then but I never got around to publishing it. So here's to my comeback and a cute, fun slice-of-life chapter! Cheers!

30. "Hit me with your best shot."

It's the second week of October. Kyo's favorite school day of the year. The Sports Day. He is excited and fired up like he always is.

However, there are two disturbing factors this time.

First, his classmates forced him into the cheerleading team. No, not the skirt-wearing ones. Everyone from their team is wearing Gakuran (black school blazers). He likes Gakuran, but performing and shouting embarrassing encouraging words in front of a huge crowd is not his ideal sports activity. He liked last year better because he wasn't on that team and... Tohru had worn a white and blue cheerleader outfit with pompoms, and Holy God, she had looked so cute. And when she had told him that she would be rooting for him and that no matter what, she would always cheer for him, with that special, uplifting smile of hers, he had thought he was going to die.

Second, he is not on Team Red. His whole class fell under Team White. He loves the color red. There's fire and spirit in it. White makes him feel like a loser, as if he's already surrendering. In the previous two years, he was in Team Red. He hates his color this year. They really should just screw it and make a Team Orange.

Despite all that, Kyo still loves Sports Day. This is his last one, and he intends to enjoy it to the fullest.

"Yo, Kyon," Arisa greets with a hand raised, Tohru and Saki in her tow.

"Yo," Kyo greets back with an annoyed eye roll at Arisa and a loving smile for Tohru. He just got out of the locker room in his school gym outfit—white tee with blue stripes on his hands and dark blue shorts that stop just above his knees—where he met the trio.

Now, they are all walking towards the playground.

"What games are you participating in again?" Arisa asks while stretching her arms a bit.

Kyo starts counting with his fingers as he says, "500-meter race, relay, tug of war, three-legged race, and," he frowns, "Cheerleading." He wanted to participate in more games, but the school has rules of a maximum of five and a minimum of one activity.

Arisa laughs. "I'm lookin' forward to seeing ya perform like a robot."

"Oh, yeah? I'm looking forward to what outfit you end up in the costume race. I hope it's a potato sack," Kyo retorts.

"Now I know why you never participate in it. Because you're a pussy who's scared of ending up in a bikini," Arisa shoots back.

"Kyo Sohma, you shan't worry. I will make sure Arisa and I select the best of the best costumes. While the other cocksuckers shall get *beep* clothes. They will *beep beep* and we will win," Saki says.

Kyo gets so red at Saki's first vulgar word that he tunes out the rest of them and says in mortification, "Is-isn't that cheating?"

"Cheaters are who shall get caught. We will not get caught," Saki answers placidly, and Kyo sighs in exasperation.

When will he learn his lesson? Why does he even bother exchanging words with Wave Girl when she speaks a vulgar alien language? Good thing he didn't point it out because he has gotten somewhat used to it. But still! How can these two girls use such offensive language in front of their best friend's boyfriend?!

"Although!" Tohru chimes in forcefully to break the awkward air, "I'm not the most athletic person, I'm really excited for today! I will do my best!" Her contagious wide smile spreads through the other three. "And Kyo-kun, I will try not to trip you up during the three-legged run," she says, pumping up her fist.

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