71. Love You As You Are

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, guys. Just been dealing with a lot lately. Anyways, you don't need to care about my sap story. Thank you IloveKyoru for requesting this! Hope you enjoy!

3. "I love you just the way you are."

It's the last day of summer break. The weather is perfect; love is in the air. One might even feel single if they didn't have a date on this beautiful day.

Lucky for Tohru. She has one. Of course, with her boyfriend.

Her feet are bouncing in the air and a giddy grin is sewn into her face as she gets ready for her date.

Since she's going to spend today with Kyo, her best friends insisted on spending the day before with them. They had kidnapped her for shopping for the second time this vacation. The first time, they took her to buy new clothes (according to them, Tohru needs to enjoy being a maiden in love and feel excited about dressing up), and this time, they took her to get makeup items. Although Tohru has a feeling that the latter shopping trip is largely due to what she said to them on their last hangout.

About her insecurities.

Tohru has never been big on makeup. Yes, she can pull it off. Her mom and best friends loved makeup, after all. They always had their nails polished. It's not because they had anyone to impress. They just liked to pamper themselves and feel beautiful. And Tohru admired them for that.

However, being the type of person Tohru is, she likes to pamper others more than herself, which is why she learned to do makeup for others but has never felt the need to use it on herself before. Not that Tohru had time, to begin with.

With the number of house chores she did, she doubted any nail polish would last longer than a day on her fingernails and her face makeup would melt in half an hour with how much she sweated while cooking and sweeping.

Despite that, Tohru now feels the necessity to apply makeup on herself.

As of recently, whenever she would look around—whether it's a cafe, restaurant, zoo, movie theater, shopping district, or even in the park—during a date with Kyo, she would notice that almost all the women who had a man with themselves had makeup on. It makes her feel self-conscious. More than that, she feels like she wasn't putting in enough effort for Kyo. He deserved to have someone who would match him, didn't he?

She already knows she doesn't look anything special. She's rather ordinary and plain-looking. Just like a faceless riceball among many others.

On the other hand, Kyo is incredibly handsome and he stands out so much. With his rich orange hair, captivating sharp amber eyes, and drool-worthy physique, most people would barely notice Tohru. She has seen waitresses or girls in the ticket line asking him for his number. It gets her stomach twisting and her heart feeling like it has acidity.

It wasn't that Kyo ever made her feel like she wasn't pretty enough. Quite the contrary instead. The way he would always look at her and smile, he made her feel like she was the most beautiful person in the universe.

Yet... that negative part of her brain keeps telling her that just because he likes her now doesn't mean it will stay that way. What if he loses interest in her?

Tohru had voiced these negative thoughts and insecurities to her friends a few days ago, which is why they abducted her for a shopping trip to a cosmetic store. Tohru was insistent on not wasting too much money, so much of the stuff was lent to her by her friends.

And now, Tohru's dressing table has a somewhat complete set of makeup items.

Tohru puts on a light blue blouse and a short denim skirt. She has never worn denim skirts before in her life, only owned a long denim top for rigorous housework until now. But her friends had insisted that she get one since it could go as a couple's outfit with Kyo who literally lives in denims. She just hopes Kyo doesn't think it's weird on her.

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