67. Assassin and Spy Part 2

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A/N: Princessofaura wanted and I was more than happy to oblige, but omg, this chapter made me work so hard! I rewrote it, like, four times! Literally! I struggled so much for an ending! However, this turned out somewhat satisfactory, but not fully. Anyway, roll with it you guys. Also, one thing I forgot to mention in the last chapter is, that there had been a war going on in this AUs. Suppose that Japan was in a war and now the war has ended, but its effects still remain and all.

It has been wonderful. And so unbelievable. Tohru still can't believe it's true.

Despite everything that had transpired between her and Kyo, things that she isn't proud of, they are together now.

It's like a fairytale dream come true to be with him, knowing that she has him to count on, him to look after her, him who cares for her, and most importantly, to have him love her. Especially after not having anyone like that for a long time.

She has been the most content person in the whole world ever since Kyo confessed his love to her six months ago. She already had been comparatively happier from the moment he had stepped into her life, making her open the lids of the boxes she had tightly kept shut.

He had come and swept her off her feet, changed all her convictions, made her feel attachments and bonds that she swore to herself to never form again, and would look at her in a strange way that made her want to be vulnerable, like he could see through her facade, see what's truly in her heart, leaving her to wonder what is that he actually saw in her. He drove her crazy in the best possible way, then he soothed her like the most relaxing balm ever. Accepted her regardless of her despicable, ugly sides.

Kyo is the best thing that ever happened to Tohru. The best gift life has ever given her ever since the war wrecked her life. She doesn't want to lose him.

She wants to continue cherishing this precious gift. Continue to do everything for him. Make him feel like the happiest person alive—just like he makes her feel all the time. Because he deserves it. She loves him so much that she can't articulate it in words. He is what matters the most to her. Her only happiness and color in this otherwise dim, nasty, cruel world.

However, when one autumn evening Tohru wakes up in cold sweat on an empty bed, all alone, her world loses all its colors again. An immediate fear plagues her.


She sits up, her widened eyes flicking around her room, and notices the orange evening rays pouring through the window, but the familiar orangehead nowhere in her sight.

But he was here when...

She glances down at her naked body, then to the floor where there were only her clothes on the carpet. She gasps.

Has this all been a dream? Did he leave after sex like he used to? No, no, she remembers that he cuddled her afterward. But... it could have been her hallucination, imagery of what she wanted but wasn't reality. Or did he leave her because he was finally done with her? Wait a minute, what if all of it had been a dream? What if Kyo isn't even real? A fictional lover and a beautiful escape created by her fucked up mind?

Tohru starts hyperventilating as her mind zips from one unrelated, disjointed thought to another frenzied one. She grabs her robe from the chair with her clammy hands and makes her way out of her bedroom as adrenaline surges throughout her body. Please... be bere... don't let it be a dream—

With her heart pounding in anticipation and fear, she appears in the kitchen.

There he was. His back towards her, standing in front of the stove, stirring some pasta with one hand and staring at the watch in his other hand with a frown.

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