65. Drunk Piggyback Ride

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A/N: This is kind of a continuation of the last chapter. Part 2, I guess? Cause I wanted a drunk Tohru for this prompt, hehe. I love drunk Tohru! Also, AlomdMilkStories and ILoveKyoru thank you for wanting a follow-up chapter, though it was really already written beforehand. I love it when you guys make suggestions, so please don't be afraid to comment them! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

17. "Give me a piggyback ride."

Kyo hauls Tohru out of the club, still cursing under his breath.

His blood boils at the image flashing in his head of Tohru and Manabe's heads so close to each other, their lips just about to touch. He isn't a jealous, insecure boyfriend. He probably used to be. But not anymore. He's confident in Tohru's love for him. Therefore, he is pretty cool with letting people he trusted to hang around his girlfriend, spend one-on-one time, hug her, even kiss her cheek-like his cousins, except Shigure. But Manabe wasn't one of them.

Sure, he didn't like Manabe's obnoxious personality, much like he disliked Ayame's flamboyant and overwhelming personality. But something about Manabe never sat right with Kyo.

And today, he understood why. Manabe likes Tohru.

Well, whatever. He can like her all he wants. But from afar. No way in hell is Kyo letting him around Tohru again.

"Kyo-kuuunnn..." Tohru slurs, and Kyo looks down at her. They are just outside the club.

"What is it, Tohru? Do you feel sick?" he asks in concern.

She nods. "The wooorld is spinning. Make it stop, pleaseee."

"Stop shaking your head first, idiot," he chides and looks around themselves to find somewhere to make her sit. He decides on the sidewalk and helps her sit there. He rubs her back in circles as she rests her head on his shoulder and admonishes, "I told you not to get too drunk."

"Sorryyyyyy, Kyo-kun," she says sheepishly and wraps her arms around his midsection. "I'm sorryyy," her tone is much guiltier now as he hugs him tighter. "I'm so sorry, Kyo-kun..." she whimpers.

"Tohru, why?" he asks while stroking her head.

"I thought Manabe-san was... youuu... I was going to kiss him, thinking it was youuu..." she lets out a sob. "I was hallucinating. I swearrr I could never kiss anyone but youuu, Kyo-kun."

"It's okay, Tohru. I understand. I'm not mad at you," he assures. "Please don't cry."

She looks up at him with her teary eyes. "Reallyyy?"

He wipes her cheeks with his thumbs and leans down and kisses her forehead, smiling. "Yeah, really."

A big goofy grin takes over her lips while her eyes start to sparkle. "Are we all goooood then?" He nods. "Yayyy!" she triumphs. "Now, can I kiss youuu?"

"Huh?" he asks, baffled.

"Well, I tooold you just now that I was going to kiss Manabe-san because I thought he was youuu. Since you're here, why noooot? I have been dyingggg to kiss youuu. By the way, it's really youuuu, right? My Kyoooo-kun?" She blinks funnily as if to clear her vision.

Kyo laughs at that. "Yes, it's me, your Kyoooo-kun."

Her grin gets wider as she winds an arm around his neck and pulls him down to crash her lips on his. He is taken aback by her force at first. She hungrily kisses him, her mouth open, tongue pushing past his clenched teeth to the moist space within. She grips his head firmly, as if to keep him from disappearing.

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