59. Camping Went Wrong

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A/N: Thank you imurmom_ for requesting this! I loved writing this! I love a panicked Kyo >_<

35. "Sorry for screaming but I can't help it."

In the middle of a deep forest, the sky morphs into a beautiful shade of orange as the cold starts seeping in through the thin clothes, forcing everyone to throw over their warm jackets and sweaters.

"Whose idea was it to go camping in the middle of January?" Hiro snarks as he shivers and hugs himself.

"Ich!" Momiji proudly responds, raising his hand.

Hiro shoots an annoyed glare at the former bunny. "Did you not take the cold into consideration while planning this?"

"Ja, I did! But Tohru and Kyo would be gone far away by the time the cold let up! So I thought this weekend would be perfect for a 'Momiji-and-Tohru-secret-camping-adventure-in-the-woods'!" Momiji chirps.

"I think the occasion was Kyo-nii's 18th birthday," Hiro deadpans.

"Tee-hee. That too!" Momiji adds sheepishly. A little sad look takes over his face as he murmurs, "I wonder if he had a good birthday. I hope he wasn't too annoyed with us."

"As far as Kyo's happiness is concerned, I think we are good. We had a cake, went fishing in the lake, and we are having grilled fish, his favorite, for dinner. Honda made sure Kyo had a good birthday," Haru states, giving a small assuring smile at Momiji who returns the smile ten times brighter.

"Tohru-kun really is amazing, huh," Kagura says with a hidden sad smile. She didn't want to come here, especially not for Kyo's birthday, but Momiji insisted that they needed a legal adult. Since none of the other older former zodiacs could come, she had no choice. Also, maybe because she pitied Momiji for being the ninth wheel amongst four couples.

"Speaking of Honda-san, where is she?" Yuki asks, looking away from Machi who he was chatting to until now.

"Um, I saw Onee-chan go in the tent where Kyo-nii-chan is napping. It was a while ago, though," Kisa speaks up.

"I'll go check," Rin offers and gets up from the log she was sitting on to walk over to the boys' tent.

As expected, she finds Tohru all snuggled up with her boyfriend under the blanket. The sight is so sweet, it gives her diabetes. She rolls her eyes and goes back to where the others are. "She's also napping with the birthday boy."

Kagura tries to keep a normal expression at that, so does Momiji, while Hiro cringes at their lovey-doveyness.

"Guess we shouldn't be surprised. She did work hard today," Yuki says, smiling. "But anyway, I think we should start on grilling the fishes."

"We'd need more wood," Hiro reminds.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe some of us should go to collect dry woods," Yuki says. He would like to go himself, but he doesn't want to leave Machi to feel awkward alone. "Who wants to volunteer?"

"I think I'll go." Haru raises his hand.

"Someone needs to accompany Haru-nii. He has, like, zero sense of direction," Hiro remarks.

"I'll go with him," Rin responds. "Let's go, Haru."

Just as Haru is standing up, Tohru emerges from the tent while rubbing her eyes.

"Good evening, Honda-san. Did you have a nice nap?" Yuki greets politely.

Tohru squeaks at the sudden voice and looks around frantically, trying to process where she is. She blinks and yelps to apologize, "Eek! Oh, no, I'm so so sorry! I fell asleep for so long! The bonfire! I was supposed to help with it! I'm sorry!"

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