37. Cute Bedhead

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70. "Your bedhead is really cute."

Tohru is sitting at the kotatsu in the living room, sipping her tea quietly with a dazed smile on her face, listening to the soft snores of her boyfriend who has been out like a light since it started pouring down this afternoon.

The sky is getting darker, and Tohru really knows she should start on dinner, but she can't help it. She just wants to watch Kyo sleep. She thinks it might be kinda creepy, and he will definitely tease her when he wakes up.

Tonight it's just her and Kyo at home. Shigure is at the main estate, and Yuki is staying over at Machi's. Maybe it's the lack of others' presence that's making Tohru lazy to do nothing but stare at the love of her life. She doesn't even feel like turning on the television and watch her favorite show. Why should she? Nothing beats the beautiful sight that's right beside her.

Her boyfriend sprawled under the kotatsu on his stomach, the hem of his long sleeve t-shirt riding over his waist, his hands akimbo, drool coating the corner of his lips, and his hair mused with the cushion it's resting on.

She saw him like that when she was leaving for work, and even after she was back, and he was still in the same position.

Her tea has gone cold for a while now, and the sky is going to be totally dark soon.

She sighs softly.

Kyo will be hungry when he gets up. She should start cooking for him. But does she really have to?

Yes, she tells herself. Even her own stomach will start growling soon, and she surely doesn't want Kyo to wake up from that mortifying noise.

She's about to stand up when she sees Kyo stirring a little, grumbling something. Tohru cranes her neck to hear him in case he needs something important, but turns out he's mumbling gibberish about some martial arts move.

Tohru giggles lightly and murmurs, "You're so cute, Kyo-kun."

After a few seconds, he starts to blink and stretch his arms, indicating his awakening.

Tohru decides to delay the dinner preparation for a few more minutes to greet Kyo, but the few minutes plan is thrown out the window when Kyo drags himself over to Tohru and rests his head on lap, locking his arms around her waist like a child seeking for his mom's affection.

Tohru instantly puts her hand on his head to caress him. She threads her fingers through his messy yet soft orange hair.

Kyo starts to mumble again but sounding unpleasant this time.

Tohru stops combing his hair, afraid that he wasn't liking it. "W-what's wrong, Kyo-kun?"

"Nothing... Just tired," he murmured while rubbing his cheek on her thighs.

Tohru's expressions sadden. One of the horrible impacts the curse left on Kyo was the rain's adverse reaction to Kyo's health and mood. She really hopes it gets better over time and that he can truly start to enjoy the water and rain.

But as he starts to snuggle closer to her like a cat, she thinks maybe everything isn't as bad.

She continues caressing his hair and asks, "Do you want dinner, Kyo-kun?"

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