8. Hard To Sleep

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6. "It's hard to sleep sometimes."

It was rainstorming. The sound of everything crashing outside, the trees clashing against each other, the thunder roaring in the sky, made the night dreadful for Kyo.

For as long as he had been possessed by the Cat spirit, Kyo always felt weary and sleepy on rainy days, but even after being released from the curse three weeks ago, he was still finding it hard to sleep on such days.

Today was one of them. It was during the summer vacation. Sleep refused to touch him. He tried everything, such as, counting sheeps/Hiro, reading nursery rhymes, thinking of good and bad things in life, yet he couldn't fall asleep. He tried not to think about his beautiful girlfriend, because he knew his dirty mind and needy body would just go into the perverted gutter.

Kyo sat up on his bed and pulled one of his knees to his chest. His head was aching, so were the joints of his bones. He ran a hand through his damp hair, glancing at the small alarm clock on his study table which read ten past one.

Maybe he should take a shower. That might help him sleep. He dragged himself out of his room with some clothes to go take a hot shower since the weather was mildly cold due to the rain and his bones needed the warmth.

The shower helped kinda, but not really. When he was back in bed, sleep went on a holiday once again.

With no other option, he finally stood up. If he really wanted any sleep tonight, there was only one person he hoped could help.

Would it be audacious of Kyo to appear at her door after only starting to date three weeks ago? Would it be getting too ahead of himself? Oh, well, she can slap him if she disliked it.

Just as he opened his door, it revealed the familiar petite brunette girl in her teal pajamas.

"Tohru!" Kyo was surprised after seeing his girlfriend outside his door. Why was he surprised though? He was about to go see her himself, wasn't he? But God, did she always make him tongue-tied.

Tohru also had the similar look of surprise as him.

Scratching the back of his neck as he was caught red-handed, he fumbled, "Were you on your way to the bathroom?" He let out an awkward chuckle. "And you mistakenly came here? I was about to go to the washroom too—"

"Kyo-kun, can I come inside? We don't know what Yuki-kun will think if he sees me here," Tohru informed in a shushed tone.

"Huh?" Kyo was confused, but stepped to the side, letting Tohru inside. He locked the door and asked her, "Why would the damn rat be awake at this time? And why do you need to hide?" As he asked the second question, he felt dumb. He should know the answer himself.

For what reason would a teenaged girl come to her boyfriend's bedroom after midnight?

Kyo could see Tohru blush even under the faint glow of the moonlight. "Um... Yuki-kun reads books till late night," she replied, refusing to answer his second question.

"Oh," Kyo said dumbly, and then there was an awkward silence. He hurried to talk before the situation got more awkward. "W-why, um, why were you here, Tohru? Did you need something from me?"

Tohru was relieved to have a question to answer, but now that she thought of it, the answer was embarrassing. "It's just... you were telling how you were feeling weak ever since it started to rain this evening. I was just worried..." She started fidgeting with a strand of her hair, her rosy cheeks turning the colour of a red apple.


"So I thought of coming to your room to somehow comfort you or something like that." She heard him release a hopeless sigh. Of course, she would do that. "I swear I don't have any ill intentions. Please don't think of me as an indecent girl." The way she said that made him feel like she did, in fact, have indecent thoughts in her head. "I just wanted to talk, that's all. I wasn't planning..."

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