61. My Baby Is Missing!

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A/N: Thank you  for requesting this! I really loved writing this! I love kyoru family shit, yay, and add Yuki to that! Anyways, enjoy y'all!

78. "My baby is missing! How else do you expect me to react?"

"No means no, Hajime. I told you that you cannot talk about it means you cannot talk about it. That's the end of the discussion," Kyo declares sternly.

"But I really want to know, Dad!" Hajime insists stubbornly.

Kyo, Tohru, and Hajime were back in Tokyo for the New Year's. Hajime was only seven years old, Kazuya was three years old, and Tohru was two months pregnant with their third child.

Last night, on new years' eve, Hajime and his cousins had been out playing in the snow when Hajime strayed away and stumbled across a wrecked house, surrounded by bamboo trees. He saw it from afar, and for some reason, he got this deep repulsive but curious urge to look into it.

Although before he could go further, he was being dragged away by his dad while being immensely scolded. He didn't say anything back then. After all, he had never felt his dad's hand shake so badly as he tightly held Hajime's one.

But this afternoon, he was telling his mom, grandpa, and little brother about the house he saw. When he started asking questions about its origin, a nervous and skeptical expression had dawned on his mom and grandpa's faces while Kazuya listened intently, but their expressions turned into wide-eyed horror when they saw his dad standing behind him.

So now, here they were. Arguing back and forth.

Hajime wants to know about that house. Yes, it was creepy and scary, but he wanted to know about its history so bad. He's so curious about it. He couldn't even sleep last night.

Why was there a wrecked house surrounded by bamboo trees in the beautiful and perfect Sohma compounds? It was so different from all the other houses he had seen there. That house stood out in such an ominous way. Why did he feel that repulsive connection? Why was Dad so against talking about it? What was he so scared of?

"Why the hell do you even wanna know about it, Hajime? It's not a goddamn monument!" Kyo snaps, and Hajime flinches.

Hajime's eyes sting with tears. Dad seems so angry...

But Hajime was so angry too. He's now hurt and double-angry!

"Kyo, you should calm down. He's only a child. Of course, he has his curiosity," Kazuma says gently.

Tohru puts Kazuya down from her lap to stand up and approach Kyo since he's getting too riled up. She never butts in between the two stubborn father-son until it's strictly necessary. Now seems like a time to step in.

"He's my child! He should listen when I'm telling him not to talk about something! Why won't he understand it's for his own good?"

"Hajime-kun... Baby, listen—"

"No, Mom! I won't! Dad is the one who doesn't understand anything!" Hajime shouts and runs out of the living room.

"Hajime-kun, wait!" He hears his mom holler after him, but he doesn't care as he shoves his feet into his shoes and grabs his jacket before bolting out of the house.

He runs out of the dojo compounds, angry tears gushing out of his eyes. He takes the familiar turn towards Mutsuki's house.

"No one understands me! What's so wrong with having curiosity about that house? I'll never talk to Dad again!"


Kyo sinks to the floor and drops his head on the low table, burying his face in his arms. He hates losing his temper at his kids... Ugh! It's so frustrating!

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