74. The Prince and Cinderella's Sister

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A/N: AU. The continuation of the Cinderella-ish play if it happened in their real life. So the casts in the play are the same here. Kyo is a real prince here, and Tohru is Cinderella's step-sister. The narrator stuff is out where the prince falls for Cinderella and all that, though. Also, I'm excluding the part where Hanajima points out about Kyo being a lonely prince and Tohru protesting "I don't want that!" because those belong to the original FB plot, not the plot of this oneshot. I have worked on this oneshot for so long, that I'm so very nervous about it! Anyways, it starts after the prince agrees to Cinderella (Hanajima)'s request of opening a Yakiniku shop. Enjoy~

"41. When are you getting down on one knee?"

"Thank God, finally, I am done with this crap," Kyo heaves a sigh in relief as he heads out of Cinderella's house with his royal friend Arisa. They had been finalizing the details about Cinderella's Yakiniku shop.

"Guess all that throwing a ball to find your bride was all a waste," Arisa says regretfully.

"And us coming here was even more of a waste! I told you that the slipper belonged to some random weird lady, but you and Father claimed she had to be my soulmate!" Kyo accuses.

"Now, now, my friend, everything happens for a reason," Arisa jeers before stopping near the royal horse carriage.


"But hey, you know..." she starts in a wondering tone, "It's really suspicious how you were not interested in any of the pretty ladies at the ball."

Oh, there's someone he's interested in, alright.

"You are not one of those men who are into men, right?"

Kyo chokes on air, his face reddening. "Don't say such things so brazenly, woman! You will not only drown mine but also Father's reputation! I'm not into men!"

"Guess you're not then." Arisa laughs while Kyo frantically looks around to see if anyone was in earshot. "You're not into me, are you?"

"Dream on! I don't like tall women! Definitely not vulgar ones like you!"

"Oh, so you are into short girls?" Arisa smirks. "Something interesting to tell His Majesty about."

Kyo is about to yell again, but he remembers that he's been trying to reign his temper these days, so he bites back and groans lowly, "Will you just get off my case?"

"Well, whatever you wish." Arisa rolls her eyes and motions at the carriage. "Anyway, are you coming back to the castle?"

Kyo straightens and fidgets, avoiding direct gaze with Arisa as he vaguely says, "No. I have some other business."

"What business?" Arisa eyes him suspiciously. The prince always goes somewhere on particular days a week, and he never tells where.

"Not telling." Kyo clicks out his tongue at Arisa.

"You little-" Arisa bristles, raising her fist.

"Now, now, my friend, you should know better than to hit your highness," Kyo mimics Arisa's tone from earlier and snickers.

"Why am I even friends with a virgin bastard like you?" Arisa sighs.

Kyo flushes. "I'm no- Shut up. Just get going." One of these days, his hot temper is really going to spill the tea.

"For a second I thought you were going to deny being a virgin, but seems not," Arisa says, and Kyo hisses at her in response. "Some prince charming you are. Thank goodness, you're not into me because I really don't like you that way," she snorts.

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