11. You're Safe

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9. "Shh. You're safe. I won't let go of you."

It was a barren place with no trace of life other than the little Tohru, all alone, locked in a small room. She sat there, waiting for her mom to come back. But she never did. She had left her.

The scene transitioned to the first year of her high school, where her homeroom teacher informed her of her mother's accident. It was the worst news she had ever heard in her life; it broke her heart into pieces she thought was unrepairable.

Tohru rushed to the hospital, only to find the dead body of her mother. She broke down. She was so happy just before that moment. How did this happen? She lost everything in a blink of an eye.

She thought maybe it was her fault for never thinking of the opposite. She loved ignoring the things that would hurt her, so she focused on all the positive things in her life. And then, this happens. She lost her mother, her support-system, her everything.

She was left alone until a certain orange-haired boy opened the door to her lonely heart, making her life blissful once again.

But was she worth it? Wouldn't she bring him his death as well?

The scene again transitioned to a secluded street, on a dark night, with only the lamp post enlightening his face. He was standing there, his eyes roaming around, a little bit absent-minded.  A car was coming at full speed, yet the signal for pedestrians turned green. Without glancing at his left, he stepped on the road to cross the street, only to get hit by the car.

Blood spluttered on the concrete, the roaring sound of the disappearing car faded into the background, as she fell on her knees, his blood stains on her hands.

"Honda? Honda!"

Tohru's eyes fluttered open at the sudden call of her name. She looked around herself in a trance, her eyes frantically searching for the person in her dreams, until she met his worried gaze.

He is okay. He is fine. Nothing happened to him, she assured herself, a relieved smile blooming on her face while her heart calmed down.

"Honda!" There was a bang on her table as her teacher slammed his palm on her desk. "Why are you sleeping in my class?" That's when Tohru realised that she had fallen asleep in her physics class at school.

"I, uh, um, I was—"

"Sensei, Tohru hasn't been feeling since morning. I think she should go to the infirmary, just in case. So could you please excuse her so I can take her to the infirmary?" Arisa stood up for Tohru, making Tohru's eyes shine with gratitude.

"Hmph, okay. But she has to go alone. You're staying." The teacher glared at the rowdy female student. Arisa huffed and sat back down. "Honda, you can go."

Tohru thanked her teacher and was about to leave the classroom until she heard a very familiar voice, "Sensei, I'm going to the washroom."

"What? Didn't you see one student already left?" Sensei snapped.

"I did. And it's none of my business. I ain't goin' to the infirmary, am I?"

"Sohma, wait—"

Without further ado, Kyo walked out of the class behind Tohru and closed the door to cut off their teacher.

Tohru stared at him with awe and a little bit of worry, wondering if he would get in trouble for it later.

Kyo winked at her playfully, his way of assuring that he was going to be fine, making her heart skip a beat. Then he set his frisks aside and gazed at her with concern, placing a hand on her cheek, asking, "Do ya feel sick?"

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