27. Prove You Wrong

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A|N: For those who haven't read Fruits Basket: Another, SPOILER ALERT! Well, not really, because I'm only just revealing the names here. You can still read it. I'll just explain a few stuff for clearing confusion for those who haven't read it:

Hajime is the oldest son of Kyo and Tohru, and Mutsuki is the only son of Yuki and Machi. Kinu is Hatori's daughter, who now lives with Hajime and Mutsuki at Shigure's old house. She's the oldest, but Hajime is the most responsible one. Hajime is a year older than Mutsuki. Kazuya and Kyoko are my made-up names for Kyo and Tohru's unnamed children (only these two names aren't canon). Chizuru is Ayame's younger son who's probably the same age as Kazuya.

Now, I know this isn't a Kyoru-centric chapter, but dammit, I love Kyo and Yuki's friendship as best dads while their sons are... well, you will see ;)

64. "It's a hobby of mine to prove you wrong."

It was during the fall of the second year of high school of Kyo's eldest son, Hajime. When Kyo had come to pick up his second son who had spent his weekend with his older brother at Shigure's former house, he bumped into Yuki at the front door.

"Yo, rat," Kyo greeted.

"Hey, stupid cat," Yuki greeted back and slid open the front door.

Over a couple of decades, Kyo and Yuki's relationship had gotten much better. They still liked to annoy each other, but there was no bite and spite in it. Though awkwardness still hung around a bit sometimes.

Kyo noticed that Yuki had a few paper bags in his hand. "What are you here for?"

"Just dropping off a few sweaters that Machi made for Mutsuki, Hajime, and Kinu," he said and then complained with a frown, "I have been telling Mutsuki to come to pick them up for a week now."

"You should have told Hajime. He would have come," Kyo said, taking off his shoes at the genkan.

"I would hate to bother him. He rarely refuses to do any favor, after all, just like Tohru," Yuki said after removing his shoes.

"The only thing he ever refuses is to come home." Now, it was Kyo's turn to complain about his son.

Yuki chuckled. "Teenagers are just like that. We were too, remember?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. We were such snot-nosed brats. How did Dad or Tohru ever tolerate me?" Kyo let out, groaning.

"How did anyone ever tolerate you? I know I couldn't."

"I don't know, really. Ask them," Kyo said with a shrug, and Yuki laughed light-heartedly.

They kept their footsteps light as they walked on the wooden floorboard to surprise their kids.

"You're here to pick up Kazuya, right?"

Kyo nodded and placed the bag he had in hand on the kitchen table. "And to drop some cookies that Tohru sent."

"Can I have some?" Yuki asked, peering inside at the bag. "I miss Tohru's cooking."

Kyo slapped his hand away. "This is for the kids. Tohru sent a separate box for you and Machi. It's in the car."

"I love Tohru."

"She's my wife, mind you."

"I know, lucky guy."

Laughing lightly, they opened the sliding doors of the living room. Just as they were about to holler that they were here, the sight in front of them made them lose their voices.

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