Cornish pixies, please don't pick on Neville! [10]

Start from the beginning

"Don't look at me, I barely know who this guy is," I whispered back.

"You have 30 minutes...Now!"

This isn't even a test, this is just...weird. Our professor wants us to fill out a paper on questions about himself

I'm going to fail, damn, I just hope that Hermione would let me cheat...doubtful.


Professor Lockhart looks over the test that we have just turned in with a look of disappointment.

"Hardly any of you remember that my favorite color is lilac," Why would we need this in Defense Against the Dark Arts ever!

"But Miss Hermione Granger knew my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my range of hair potions, good girl." He winks at Hermione as the other girls in class get jealous.

Ew...isn't he like 40?

Mione's face goes red as the hearts her eyes get even bigger. Her grip on my arm gets tighter as it looks like she's about to faint into a bliss.

"Now- be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind." A cage beside his death covered by a purple cloth begins to growl.

"You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst, I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might... provoke them!"

I suppose of the cloth from the cage little blue creatures that look like a deformed Pixy begins to scream.

"Cornish pixies?" Seamus scoffs.

"Freshly caught Cornish pixies!" Lockhart reports as the rest of the boys in the class, including myself laugh.

"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them, ha!" Our professor says dramatically as you open the cage releasing the Pixies.

They swarm us as we all begin to jump out of our seats, grabbing our books trying to swap them down.

"Come on now- round them up, round them up, they're only pixies!" Lockhart mocks the class as we are literally screaming!

When are the Pixy's grabs my book and tries throwing at me, Neville quickly moves in front of me.

"Stay away from her!" He yelled at them trying to protect me.

Just as I was about to thank him, the pixies got angry and began to pick him up by his ears.

"Hey, get me down!"

"Let him go!" I yelled in a panic, trying to grab his legs before he was out of reach.

"Cornish pixies, please don't pick on Neville!" I cried out as I watch the Pixy's hung Neville on the chandelier by his coat.

"Get off me!" Hermione tried pulling the pixies out of her bushy hair.

"Stop! Stop! Hold still!" Harry held up his book in the air hitting away from the pixies form Ron's cloak

"Peskipiksi pesternomi!" Lockhart yells, waving around his wand in the sleeve at the Pixies. Just before he was about to repeat this spell, the pixies grabbed his one taking it into the air.

Quickly getting nervous, the professor leaves the class hiding away in his office.

"I'll ask you three to just nip the rest of them back into their cage!" He pointed at no one in particular before closing his office door.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked, panicking to Harry.

Hermione and I both nodded to each other before getting on top of the tables. We raised our wands, yelling with all our might.

"Immobulus!" We both shouted making the whole class goes silent as each Pixy was frozen.

"Why is it always me?" Neville says from the top of the classroom, literally. I smiled at his adorable antics.

Quickly, muttering in a spell underneath my breath for a floating spell. I help Neville down. Grabbing his hands, I help him down the table.

His cheeks were completely flushed.

Speaking to no one in particular just trying to lighten in the mood.

"I think I like the muggle version of Pixies instead of the actual wizarding ones. I miss Tinker Bell, although she may have been a fairy," I trailed off.

"Let's not dwell on details....and no one is listening."




I didn't lie! I was able to do another chapter and a pre-wrote another one that should be coming out next week.

Don't forget to wash your hands!


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