We reach the bedroom and she kisses my lips as we fall onto the bed. Her hands move up and down my torso as she rocks her hips against mine.

"Maybe we should wait, you know until-" I'm silenced by another kiss to my lips and I can't help but take control.

I toss her over so that I'm now on top of her and begin to remove the shirt she's wearing. I kiss her neck slowly and she pulls me closer with one hand while grabbing at the zip of my pants with another.

I lift my head from her neck and my eyes catch sight of a light on the bed sheet. I reach over and grab her phone as she continues to remove my pants.

"Reid." a hand meets my face and I snap out of the flashback. "I thought I killed you." Tobias sits back with a relived sigh. "Nobody has ever been out that long." I sit up frowning.
"How long?"
"Nearly an hour. I shit myself."
"You shouldn't have fucking given it to me!" I half shout and he moves slightly away from me.

"I'm sorry." he sighs and injects himself with the same crap.


"He's been gone all night."

"He hasn't called or anything?"

"No, I fell asleep on his lap and woke up alone."

"I'm sure he's fine." Emily tries to reassure me, but it doesn't work.

I try to call Spencer again but his phone is off and the worry builds. "we were supposed to be decorating Henry's room." I say and Emily's face fills with confusion.

"Henry's room?"

"Yeah, Spence bought an apartment with two bedrooms so Henry can stay when he wants." I take a seat back on the sofa and Emily drinks the last of the coffee I bought this morning.

"I know, let's go and get some paint... we can do it." She suggests and I smile.

"You do know Henry better than Spence. We'll do it better." I say to myself more than anyone. She joins me smiling and I pull on my coat.


After buying the paint and paintbrushes, we return to my apartment. Spencer still isn't home and my subconscious taunts me.

He's left you.

He doesn't care about you.

He's drinking again.

He's with another woman.

Fresh fuck.

I want to punch myself for the thoughts roaming around my head, but I have every right to think them... right?

"Why don't we get started?" Emily suggests and I eye her clothing. She laughs and suggests we change at the same time I do.

I change into my pyjama shorts and one of Spencer's old tshirts, Emily wears a pair I my pyjama shorts and one of my old tank tops.

We head into Henry's room with the green paint and begin to slap it on the walls. It gets all over the floorboards but it doesn't matter, we're covering them with carpet anyway.

We finish two walls and both sit on the ground, covered in paint, with a coffee. "I think we're doing pretty well." I say while scanning the patchy paintwork.

"Yeah, we should totally get into the painting and decoration business... we'd make a fortune." she smiles and we cling our mugs together before drinking the hot beverage.


A few hours later Spencer bursts through the front door, drunk. I head into the living room where he's wobbly standing watching the cartoon that's come on.

"Spence?" I ask and he looks at me with blood shot eyes. Dry blood trails from his nose to his top lip, it looks smudged as though he's tried and failed to wipe it.

"You're painting?" his eyes rake up and down my body, noticing the green paint splattering my bare legs.

"You were gone all night and most of today Spencer. Of course I'm painting."

"Don't take that shitty tone with me." he snarls and throws himself onto the sofa.

"Where were you?" I can't help but ask, even though Emily is helplessly sat in the now green room, also covered in paint.

"It doesn't matter."



I sigh, deciding I'm going to ask him again when he's not drunk.

I head back into Henry's room and she smiles apologetically. "I guess I should go?" she asks and I nod.

"I'm sorry, he's hard work."

"It's fine, I'll just run and get changed?" She heads out of the room and practically runs next door in to mine.

Once she's gone I sit on the sofa opposite Spencer's and he doesn't even look at me. His eyes stay fixed in the colourful characters dancing along the TV screen, so I pick up the remote and turn it off.

"I was watching that."

"Spence, why were you gone for so long?"

"Why do you care so much? You're going to leave me eventually anyway."

"No I'm not."

"Why says huh? You? Maeve said that too, but she still went fucking some guy behind my back."

I'm shocked by what he's told me, I've wondered why Spencer has always been adamant on me leaving him eventually. This Maeve is obviously why.

"I promise you I wont." he looks up hopefully and his dark eyes soften. "I'm sorry jayj, I've just had a bad night."

"Well maybe if you didn't stay out getting drunk all night-"

"Will you just stop? I said fucking sorry ok?" he slaps his forehead and moves his hands to tug at the roots of his hair. "fuck." he slouches further and I walk into the bedroom.

I pull out some spare sheets and grab Spencer's pillow, then dump them on the arm of the sofa. "You're in here tonight." I state and he looks at the bedding, then up to me. "And why am I on the sofa?"

"Because you're the one being an idiot!" I half shout and his eyes widen. I storm into the bedroom and close the door so that he doesn't see the tears welling up in my eyes.

Why can't he just tell me the truth? why won't he tell me why he's come home with a blood stained face and mostly drunk. I also noticed that his knuckles were busted again, what is that man up to?

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