"No, I mean you took a good few blows... then you just stood up and got him back." Tobias smirks and I wipe my bloody nose. "I didn't want to get involved." I didnt, I wanted to stay back and let Damien think I'd done the job. "Well, I sure wouldn't want to fight you"

We pull up at the club Damien owns and walk inside without a second look from the doormen. I don't know how, Tobias is clearly on drugs and I'm covered in drying blood.

The loud music escalates the ringing in my ears and my head begins to pound. "where are we going? my head is fucking killing me."
"C'mon." Tobias replies while heading up some stairs.

He opens a door and we enter a dark, but quieter room. "Boys." Damien greets us with two drinks and when my eyes adjust to the darker room, more men become visable.

"What happened to you?" he asks looking at my face and I tell him to fuck off. "Woah, grouchy. Get this down ya." he pushes a drink into my hand and I swallow it in one hoping it will ease the pain in my head.

I follow Tobias to a sofa in the corner in the room while Damien joins the rest of the men smoking pot. "Want some?" He pulls a needle from his pocket and I shake my head no. "C'mon Reid, you know it will make you feel better." He smirks, reminding me of my past and my earlier anger resurfaces.

"Look, I don't want any of your shit ok."

"What, cause you're afraid your girlfriend won't approve? what is it with you, I thought you don't date anyway?"

"She's different."

"Different?" he laughs and injects himself with the dilaudid. "That's better." He slouches in his seat and closes his eyes peacefully.

After 20 minutes he sits up straight and takes a large mouthful from a bottle of vodka on the ground. I cringe at his lack of reaction and he looks at me again while leaning back.

"You know she's just going to leave you when she finds out about your past."

"Shut the fuck up."

"I'm right and you know I am, that's why you started sleeping with all them sluts." he smiles and sits up again while lowering his voice to a whisper. "There's a few over there, they like it rough... that's if you need to let some anger out." His hollow eyes squint. "I'd clean your face first though." he laughs and I try to wipe the dry blood from my top lip.

"Another drink?" he hands me the bottle of vodka and I take a large mouthful in hope it will flush the memory of Maeve from my head.

I think about JJ leaving me. what if she does find out about me, and who I really am? will she still want me?

I drink more, but the idea of JJ not being around wont leave my mind. I don't think I'd be able to cope with out her, she's the reason I'm not a complete failure.


A few hours later I'm drunk, but the bad thoughts still haven't left my head. I can still picture JJ walking out on me.

Tobias appears from another room with one of the girls he earlier spoke bad about. His forehead is covered in a thick coat of sweat and the woman's hair is a shit tip.

He sits beside me again and pulls out fresh needle. "You look like crap." He fills it with more dilaudid and shoves it into my arm before I can protest.

"I love you Spencer." Maeve's face appears in front of me as she kisses my cheek. "I uh- I love you too."

"You don't sound too sure about that." she jokes and pulls my cardigan in the direction she's walking.

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