Chapter 2: A Bad Start

Start from the beginning

'You weren't to know she was so experienced.'

But I shouldn't have reacted, she thought. And I won't next time. As her thoughts settled, she wasn't angry. She was determined to – and confident she would – defeat Bianka. Still, she couldn't silence the thought rewinding and replaying in her mind... that neither her dad nor Fayiz lost once during their Gym Challenges.

'And now, let's give a warm welcome to this year's challengers!'

This time, the whistles beckoned them out. Feet pounded the damp stone leading to the battlefield. Metal sheets covered the gurgling water flanking the corridor to stop anyone falling in. Orre's Governor, Snattle, stood atop a podium amongst the Elite Four. Rays of light fell from a deep blue dome above. Gym Leaders waited to shake hands with the scattering challengers. There were 30 in total. Some, like Bianka, were experienced Trainers. Others were yet to receive their starter Pokémon. Fans in suspended stands cheered and waved flags for their favourite Gym Leaders. No challenger was special or insignificant on the busy battlefield.

They were ushered out for the Elite Four to face off. Even from the lobby, they knew a battle had begun, because the crowd's roar reverberated. Zane wore a giddy grin.

'That was wild! Just wait 'til we're battling in a real colosseum!'

The boy who defended Amber sat against the wall, alone and staring at his P★DA. She was so swept up in the exciting frenzy she'd almost forgotten her run-in with Bianka, but she felt guilty when she walked by without saying anything, so she stepped back.

'Hey... thanks.'

He glanced briskly up. 'Oh? No worries. That girl won't get anywhere with an attitude like that.'

'What about you? Who's your partner Pokémon? And I don't know your name. I'm Amber.'


He looked a little flustered, as if startled someone was actually speaking to him, but a smile dimpled his pale cheeks when he showed her a Poké Ball.


'Oh, a Water- and Rock-type! Perfect challenge for my Charmeleon. Then I'll see you at the Pokémon HQ Lab?'

'Certainly. Take care.'

'Some right weirdos here,' Zane said once they were out of earshot, 'Big-Head Bianka and that teenage grandpa you were just speaking to...'

Seth caught up to them. 'You guys heading to the Boltund Station?'

'Yeah! Well, quick trip to the Pokémon Center first. But then the adventure begins!'

Or at least they thought they were headed for the Boltund Station. Leaving the Pokémon Center, Zane guffawed. He nudged Cassia. She stifled a shriek. Raihan and her mother Olivia were leaning against a van, chatting to Leon and Abbey. Raihan waved.

'Hey, Cass! I know you wish I'd disappear, but you won't want to miss this gift!'

'I didn't know you were here, too.'

Olivia tutted before kissing her on the cheek. 'You think we'd miss your opening ceremony?'

'What's this gift, then?'

'Ta-dah!' Raihan announced, gesturing to the van, 'We were really proud of you passing your driving test, so ee-arr!'

Zane's eyes lit up. 'We'll get there before everyone on the Boltund!'

Amber surveyed the shiny silver van with its red Orre licence plates. She could live with that. At least it wasn't from Leon. Cassia couldn't help smiling.

'We really would've taken the Boltund... but thanks, mom. Dad.'

Raihan dropped the keys, with a Duraludon keyring, in her palm. 'Go on, then! Give it a whirl!'

Seth was taking battle advice from Leon. Amber couldn't bring herself to get in without saying goodbye. Since an accident before she was born, Leon was easily distracted, forgetting he was even speaking to Seth when she approached. Both he and Abbey hugged her tight.

'Travel safe. And remember to never leave your Poké Balls in the van.'

The door rolled shut behind her. She took the passenger seat beside Cassia. Zane excitably babbled to quiet Seth behind them. The engine rumbled. Seatbelts clicked. Cassia switched the radio on. She didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel after their night on the street. Upbeat jazz music played. Amber found herself dozing. She awoke to see a barren highway stretching endlessly to the horizon. Zane was snoring. Seth stared blankly out of the window.

'Arreet, Cass?'

Cassia sat bolt upright to keep herself awake. 'I'd be better if every passing driver wouldn't honk for no reason.'

Indeed, a horn blared from the next car to scoot around them, well past the 80mph speed limit. She jumped every time. Most cars turned to Pyrite Town or Mt. Battle. Cassia drove on until rising dunes turned to mountainous greens. Signs pointed to Agate Village, where Amber was born.

'Cassia! You're dozing!'


She straightened up. 'I'm gonna have to make a stop. We'll still get to the lab before the Boltund lot.'

A dusty white bridge carried them across the river. Zane was jolted awake as the van rattled over potholes. Isolated drive-ins met suburbs. Pedestrians began to dot sidewalks. A Wingull-shaped sign welcomed them to Gateon Port. Bridges over choppy waves retracted to let boats through. The van stopped on broken tiles outside the Pokémon Center. A Poké Ball hologram flickered above. Cassia went inside to splash her face with cold water. The others bought supplies in the Poké Mart.

'Right!' Cassia announced when she re-emerged, 'Ready when you are!'

When her friends glanced back, they were aghast. She became suddenly aware of the keys in her hand... the keys she hadn't used.

She knew before she saw it that the van was gone.

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