Bad news (not an update)

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I won't be posting that much!!

Something bad happened to my family.

We were having a fun at a party at my house. It was fun, we had pizza, my cousin were making fun of me because I was ugly, three family decided to come.
All of those people were related to me.
After the party, everyone left.
At the morning is when the whole thing started. We don't know what but.... my favorite person has....covid-19. We don't know how.
She was fine yesterday!! It was Friday when we had our party! Saturday, she woke up and couldn't breathe. She went to the hospital and had to do the test. It tested positive, her husband called his cousin, (my dad)and told him everything. I was with my mom when she was in the call with my dad. I remember being so sad. I literally cried all night because I didn't want to lose my favorite aunt. 
We had to clean the whole house because of covid-19.

Today (Sunday) I called her and she said she was fine. She was eating fine, breathing fine, she just happy.
One funny joke she said was.
"I am just in bed... bored.. I am going to take so much vacations"

Before the party, we went to church, we couldn't hold hands because of covid-19. My dad, brother, and my uncle, didn't listen at all. They hold hands.
My mom, aunt, and me, we listened and didn't hold hands!!
I am slowly having signs of covid-19....
this is a life lesson to listen to the news!!

No parties, Six feet apart, etc!!
Please be careful!! Who knows if I have it or not!!
Love you all.

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