Meeting a Youtuber?

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Izuku POV...............

We went to bed because it has been a long day. Tomorrow kacchan is coming back! But, I am not that happy about it. He is the reason why I left as quickly as possible. I mean, I am in love with him, but...ochako likes him too. I know that she is my friend for the money. But, it's better then having no friends.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
I woke up at the sound of my phone, I forgot that I put the alarm on at 8:30.
I reached my hand to where the phone was, and lazily turned it off. I got up, but not getting off of bed yet, I stud up and checked my little schedule for today on my phone. There wasn't that much to do. I was still tired. For a few minutes, I had finally gotten up from bed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a small, quick shower. After all that, I headed down stairs, I saw ochako.
"Good morning ochako!" I said to her while waving at her and also coming down stairs
"Good morning....." she said with a sad tone.
"Is everything okay, you seem to b-" again, I was cut off by her.
"You know what?" She asked me
"W-what!" I responded While taking a seat next tee at the kitchen.
", your mom and my celebrity crush are coming!"she happily said.
My heart sinked. 'No, no, no, no, no, NO!!!' I screamed inside me.
"Y-yea...they are!" I said trying to be as happy as possible.
"Let's go to the mall, .....after your job is done...okay?" She looked at my phone.
She knows that I have a Mini schedule as my phone. I told her that I had a little schedule in my phone.
"Okay" I said getting up to make myself some breakfast.
While I was cooking myself some breakfast, ochako began to talk
"You know, I saw in a tweet that someone wants to reach out to you...I don't know what..but, they want to a YouTube video.. I don't really know....but, he is a famous YouTuber." ochako was talking to me while she was looking at her phone.
"Wow, that seemed pretty cool! I want to do it!" I said happy, I really don't know this person, he actually seems pretty cool.
"Ooo...they also said that they are a huge fan of you!" Ochako started to say.
"Ooo~ I want to meet him!!" I told Ochako.
When I was done with my breakfast, I reached to my phone.
"Hey, Ochako.. do you know the name of the person?" I asked her.
She was at the living room. I was walking towards her, and sat down next to her at the couch.
She then looked at me and began to talk.
"Of course i do!!"
She then began to talk about this person. She was talking about..what his age was, what he does, and she also talks about where he lives. I was surprised of how much she knows this person. She went on and on about this young YouTuber. The most important thing that I learned about is what he like and doesn't like. For me, that's important, I want to know what people like and doesn't to make sure that I am doing everything correctly for the person. I don't want this YouTuber to feel uncomfortable around me, that's why.

His name was Hanta sero. He has meet multiple different celebrities. I couldn't wait to meet him.
I found his Instagram, Snapchat, and his YouTube. I DM'ed him about his YouTube and stuff like that. In like a minute or two, he replied and was happy that I got to DM him. I got his phone number and I immediately texted him. He then told me about me being on one of his YouTube videos. I was happy and replied with a yes. Ochako was happy for me. She couldn't believe that I was going to be on one of his YouTube videos.

I checked my phone and it was 10:22.
I needed to hurry up and leave to my office. I ran upstairs, grabbed my keys, and walked to my closet to get a purse. I don't have a lot of purses, but that would do. I grabbed a light blue purse that might match my outfit. I say might because my makeup artist and my outfit designer picked a outfit for me. It was something that they do every once in two weeks. So, nothing to new.
I also kind of vlog sometimes, and I haven't vloged in like...two days. So, I also picked up my camera. And, just talked to it..talking about my plans for today and stuff like that.
When I was done, I went to my car and drove  off. Ochako also joined me, she mostly joins me and there is no problem, but sometimes.. we get in a little drama.
But today, no drama happened.
We drove to my office parking lot, I greeted everyone, My makeup artist started to walk me to our makeup room. Ochako still fallowing me. The makeup artist sat me down to one of the white chairs, and started to do my makeup. I chatted with them about the young YouTube i will soon be on his YouTube video. They were pretty proud about me. Ochako just went to another room where she usually goes to watch a movie or reads some magazines. She was in one of our waiting rooms. We have magazines for our guests to read, we either change them each week or get more. It's like that because when Ochako comes, she won't be reading the same things.
"Are you happy about it" one of my makeup artists said to me.
"Of course I am, I heard that he has met some of my friends" I said.
"Wow, really..I will try to watch him... I am going to research him to make sure he is safe.." she said while doing my makeup, she had a happy face.
"I am really worried about your health... are you sure everything is okay between katsuki and you" she asked me.

I am so happy that I got to 5k reads!!
Don't worry, I know what I am going to do for you guys. I will do a "about the writer". As most of you guys know, I have been planning this. And soon I will do it. In the next three updates, I will do it. So, if you've been waiting for that moment, tay tuned.
Love you all, and stay safe💖💖💖

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