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Happy New Years 🥳
Mother Nature really said "EnOuGH Is en-"
Just to make this clear..
Anime= reality TVshows
In this book.

Katsuki's POV............

This girl really embarrassed me, I didn't know that she was going to embarrass me that much! I took her to the mall but, got kicked out because a lot of people knew who we were and the security guard didn't... so we got kicked out!
Anyways, after that experience, we took a ride down town. She loves going on really long roads trip, she usually just looks outside the window and probably just dreams about girl stuff...

Okay, after that we went to her place and took care of her bunny! Usually Deku's parents take care of the house and the animals. I gotta admit, the bunny is CUTE AF- I mean, not cute as deku-
Uhh, what?

After that nice "family time", we went to eat again since it was 3pm and she was getting annoyed. I'm guessing every girl gets annoyed when their hungry, right?  Yeah, I'm guessing so.
We went to eat at a famous restaurant... she loves eating here.. Panda Express.
I also like eating here so, I don't really blame her.

Today was also the day where we have to go to a show together. The game we are gonna play is called "QnA, rumored couple addition"
The host is one of my friends, her name is Mina. The thing with her is that she LOVES us, I mean.. as a couple. And that's a problem, she could ask us questions like "Are you guys planning on getting married" or "Have you done the dirty?".

Deku doesn't see the problem. Probably because she barley knows Mina!
Mina is always nice to her but, TO ME!!! She is a d- head!!! a I don't know about you but, she is absolutely in love with Deku. She is trying to steal her from me!

We are supposed to play that game tonight at...9pm. So, we gotta be there around 5:39 to get ready.

Izuku pov.........
(This part is cringe)

We had just arrive to play the qna thing, game. I needed to go to the back to do my makeup and stuff like that. After all that, I just had to wait a little while so Mina could say my name and kacchan's name.

[I really need to finish this book :( ]

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