The past

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When katsuki was 12 years old.........(Katsuki POV)........................

I walked to the lower grade section to pick up Deku. Deku was a lonely
kid. She liked being alone for some reason.
When I pick her up for the first time, I realized how little she is. I mean, I knew that but,
she was way younger then me. I never actually cared about her age, but this time..
I feel old.
I was in 6th grade and she was in 2nd grade. A pretty huge age gap if you tell me.
I am 12 and deku is 8, we are few years apart.
The only thing that I am excited is that soon I will go to middle school, which means that I don't have to pick up deku anymore. She will probably be sad about it but... I don't care.

Every time when I pick deku up, we always go to the park first.
But today, I wanted to be a little bit different.
Of course, we were still going to the park, but then I will drop her off to her house after that. Every time after we go to the park, we usually go to a store and I BUY HER SOMETHING!!! But today is going to be different. After I drop her off, I will go and see my girlfriend. Of course, she is an asswhole for cheating on me and never telling me, and that's why today, I am going to break up with her.

We finally got to the park, and the first thing we both went were....the swings.
Deku was so small compare to the swing, the swing was to high for her to reached. I couldn't help but laugh at her. I got off my swing and help her get on to hers. Luckily, she knew how to swing, or else it would of been a problem.
The thing why we loved the swings were because we didn't actually swing on the swings, instead we set on the swings and talk about stuff. Even tho she is just a 2nd grader, she can talk. She can speak two language which was because of me. I was like an older brother towards her.
While we were on the swings, I noticed my girlfriend coming towards us. She did not have a good look in her face. She looks like she was going to kill both me, and deku.
"Who's that?" My girlfriend said.
"Look, what are you doing here, you were supposed to meet me at 4 pm today" I said getting annoyed.
"Oh, really, will...who the fuck is she then...are you going to say 'she is just my little sister' or 'she is just a friend' ...I know things when things are going on."at this point she looks like she was ready to attack. Me and deku got off of our swings. Deku was scared, I signaled her to get behind me.
"BRO, SHE IS ONLY 8!!!" I screamed at her.
I had the courage to tell her:
"I am breaking up with you whore" I said
She got more angry than the past minute or so. I carried deku without letting her know, and ran for our lives. I was running for three minutes straight!! I finally stoped running to take some air. I put down deku. We stoped at the store me and Deku usually go.
"Do you want water?" Deku asked me, for some reason she had water in her backpack the whole entire time.
"Now you're telling me" I said reaching out for the water battle.
We started walking until we reached to the beach. Every single day, we always go past this beach. I went to the beach and sat down on the sand. Deku looked at me while I was setting down. She fallowed me didn't set down.
"Kacchan....are you okay?" She asked in a gloomy voice. That's very rare for her to be.
"The hell is wrong with you?" I said kind of concern.
"My mom found some one, but he is in a different city. So, me and my mom are moving away....we are moving in three weeks..." she while looking at the water.
no wonder she was gloomy. She was moving away.
"Will you visit me??"
She got silent for a few seconds.
"I don't know about that, I hope so" she finally spoke.
I was angry at myself. Why was I having the worst luck. My best childhood friend is moving away and then she doesn't know if she will get to see me again?
What a crazy life I got.
The rest of these few weeks we had with each other, we tried to make it fun as possible. We tried to push aside the part that she was moving away. We didn't want that to get on our way.
We had fun until it was time for deku to move.

(The end of 12 year old katsuki)


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