
705 25 12

"Deku!!" Katsuki shouted behind Izuku.

They were already at the party. Izuku was wearing a red luxury dress! She had her hair up in a ponytail!
Katsuki loved it!

Izuku turned around and saw Katsuki. She blushed a little. Katsuki doesn't like to dress up so fancy and all that but, today was the day he will only get dress up fancy. He also said "I mean, I will dress up fancy on our wedding" in the car.

"Oh hi kacchan!!!" Izuku said.

Katsuki give her a hug and Izuku gave a hug back!
Katsuki and Izuku have already kissed multiple times so, it's not the first time and they don't feel awkward anymore.
Katsuki kisses Izuku fast because they were a lot of people there.
"Here!" Izuku said giving Katsuki a napkin. Izuku had lipstick that's why and Katsuki has a little bit on because he kissed Izuku, they still don't want anyone to feel suspicious of them.
"Thanks" Katsuki said while wiping the lipstick away.
"Your welcome!" Izuku said while smiling.

"Your house is big, how many people did you invite?" Katsuki said.

"Oh, will.. I didn't invite anyone! I told my mom to invite people for me!" Izuku said to Katsuki.

Katsuki felt nervous for some reason. He didn't like being nervous.
"Deku, how many people are going to be here?" Katsuki asked. While they were talking, they were walking to the kitchen.

"Umm. I don't know? Want me to tell my mom?"Izuku said.

Katsuki nodded because he wanted to know so bad.

"MOM HOW MANY PEOPLE DID YOU INVITE??" Izuku said to her mom.!

"102!!!!" Inko said across the kitchen.

"102!" She said to Katsuki.

"That's a lot!" Katsuki said.

"Yeah, that is a lot of people!" Izuku laughed!

"Hey deku! Do you know this guy named sero or some shit!" Katsuki asked.

"Yeah! I know him, why?" Izuku said.

"I was Just asking" Katsuki said while looking up.

"If you just asking, you should have a re-" Izuku didn't get to finish because Katsuki said something.

"It's because..what is called? Those people who trust you, and-" he got cut off by Izuku.


"Yeah,...those..... anyways, they invited him to my house! He said your names multiple times" Katsuki said kind of flirty.

"Did he really?" Izuku said while sipping a cup of tea water.  After sipping, she let her cup of water on the counter of the kitchen.
Katsuki got closer and closer wanting to kiss Izuku. Izuku looked everywhere to make sure that people weren't watching or something, but she couldn't get a chance because Katsuki kissed her.

Little did Izuku know, shoto was looking at her. Jealousy was all he could feel. Shoto wasn't happy with that. He didn't hesitate coming right behind Izuku.
"Izuku?" Shoto said scaring Izuku.

"Oh, hi! Shoto!!" She said smiling but embarrassed at the same time.

"Hi" shoto said with his normal cold expression. He then looked at Katsuki dead in the eyes.

Katsuki got mad and said "hey dipshit," he said pushing shoto away from Izuku. "Get the fuck away from her" Katsuki said.

"Kacchan! Come here" Izuku said pulling Katsuki' arm.
Katsuki didn't pull away, he smirked at shoto trying to make him jealous.

They both ended up in a random bedroom. Katsuki looked the door behind izuku's back. He was thinking that they were just going to have sex.

"What were you thinking??!!" Izuku yelled!

"Don't tell me you actually like that freak" Katsuki said.

"Kacchan-" Izuku yelled but got cut off by Katsuki kissing her.
They started a make out session until someone knocked.  They both jumped of the sound of that

Okay! Another update! Sorry again, it's kind of short but, it's because I have 5% of battery. Love you guys bye 💖💖💖

I love you from the start  (Fem izuku x bakugou)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu