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Harry's POV

We stayed home and got everything ready. While they went out to get the stuff. We took just 30 min to gather everything. Easy!

I sat down with Adi. Been while since we did that. We sat on the couch, just talking about random things. I've been wanting to ask pras to be my girlfriend too. But I'm scared. As usual.

"Dude. Don't be scared. I told you. She loves you already." Adi shrugs.

"I love her Adi. Sounds so stupid, but I do. I can't even think of anyone else. "

"I know that. And I also know that pras is going through the same. Why do you guys wanna torture each other?"

"So you're saying that I just do it?"

"Do it when you feel the moment is right. "

"Uhuh. With her, every moment is right. "

"I can understand." She sighs.

"What's up with you and Liam?"

"Us? Nothing special. I don't know. "

"Why's that? Is it because you're not sure of him?"

"It's not that. I just don't know. I'm not sure of myself. "

"That you like him?"

"Na na. I know I like him. Let's discuss about this later?"

Adi's POV

"Uh. Okay. But do you like me? Is that why you're not saying anything to Liam?" He says jokingly while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Harry!" And I laugh. Liam enters the room looking furious.

"You like him? You lied to me?"

"Liam. What did you hear?" Harry asked.

"I heard what was enough. Harry. You told me the other day that you like pras. Now Adi?" Liam was shouting.

"Liam. Just calm down okay? It's not what you think it is." I trying to hold his arm. But he shrugged me of it.

"It's not what I think it is? Are you sure? You told me you like me. And here you are flirting with Harry. "

"I'll just leave you guys to sort this out." Harry said it and left the room.

"Liam. Why do you just assume things about me? You were not even in the room!"

"Why what did you guys do? Kiss each other?"

"Liam! I understand it's bothering you, but we're not even together. Can you just calm down?! I like you okay? Not Harry. It's you. Why do you not understand that? And why are you reacting this way?"

"Because I love you! Is it that hard to see?"

He said he loves me. He loves me. I instantly got the butterflies in my stomach. It feels something. I don't know what.

"You what?" I whispered. He sighed.

"I... I'm sorry. Okay? I love you. I don't wanna see you with anyone else other than me." He kept coming closer to me. There was no one in the room. The door was closed. It was just us in the room. Us breathing was the only noise at this point.

"You... Liam... Just..." I stammered.

"Adi. I love you. I can't stand you with any other guy. " My back was on the wall. His hands on the either side of my waist.

"I can't think of anyone else other than you. You're on my mind 24x7. This has never happened to me. Please understand." He kept whispering, the butterflies in my stomach increasing by each word.

"You're so beautiful. You're exceptional." His face just inches away from mine.

"You're someone I can't share." His lips on my ear. He's so close. So vulnerable. So raw.

He kissed my ear softly. I was enjoying this so much. I liked this feeling of him so close to me. The proximity was something I longed for and I didn't know till now.

His left hand came to my neck. I knew what was gonna happen. He's gonna kiss me.

I closed my eyes tighter than they were already closed.

"I love you and I want you." His lips were just a few millimetres away.

Almost there. It's happening.

"Guys, I heard you were fighti... Oh my God. Harry! They're kissing and not fighting. Why'd you lie to me!" Louis interrupted us.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't even ask if you wanted this. I just. I'll leave." Liam said.

"Hey. It's alright. Don't worry about it. Okay? Let's act as if this was nothing. It's okay. " And I hugged him. I know I should've kissed him, but hugging him seemed like a better option.

When he hugs me, his hands go to my waist, pulling me closer to him and his face is on the crook of my neck. I love hugging him.

He's just amazing. And now I know that he loves me. Do I love him? I don't know. Do I want to? Hell yeah. I don't wanna hurt him though.

I let him go. And I landed our fingers and led him out of the room.

We went to the kitchen and everyone was looking at us.

"Uh. Guys, no funny business in my house okay? And even if you guy do 'it', take the sheets with you. It's my gift." Harry says and everyone laughs.

Liam's POV

"We weren't doing 'it' Harry. And the sheets? I'll take them with me. I know they're your favourite. " And just like that, she started to work.

"So... Did you guys kiss? Finally?" Niall asked me.

"No. Stupid Lou. He interrupted us." I looked at Lou. He just smiled.

"It's okay. You have plenty of time for it. You said you love her?"

"Yeah. It came out of my mouth. And kept saying it. It was as if I was a broken record. I don't know if it sounds good or if I embarrassed myself. " Niall laughed.

"Knowing you, you must've sounded good. And don't worry. She likes you a lot. I know. And I can see it. And stop doubting her so much Li. It hurts her. Don't do that please. Trust her. She's not going anywhere. "

"Yeah. I know that. I'm sorry. I don't know what came into me, I just can't stand it when she's with anyone else."

"And for the record, Li, I told Adi that I love pras. That's what we were talking in there." Harry told me.

"Ugh. Turns out I did embarrass myself." I face palmed and they laughed.

"Food will ready in 5. Can you guys please set the table?"

We just started doing our work. I couldn't stop staring at Adi. I think I really have fallen hard for her.

Pras' POV

I overheard Harry saying that he loves me. Oh God. It feels so good to know.

He looked at me and winked. I returned the favour and winked. And then we just laughed.

We sat down to eat. We made good food.

"This is amazing. You're giving me the recipe." Harry said. He held my hand under the table. It felt good. For once, I loved my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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