Chap 17

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Liam's POV
I'm so happy right now. She's such a nice person. I've started liking her. I mean look at her. She's talented, beautiful, outgoing, funny and her, don't even get me started. Her eyes are so warm. So bright. So beautiful. I've never seen such eyes before.

I have to talk to her. I don't know if she has a boyfriend. I hope not. I go where she was talking to the boys .

"Hi. I'm Liam." I offer a hand to shake.

"I'm Aditi. Call me Adi." She accepts my hand and shakes it. The minute she touches it I feel a spark. I see her shiver that means that even she felt it.

"So I heard you can sing. I haven't watched this season's episodes so I don't know much."

"Well for the starters I'm a huge directioner. I even went to one of your concerts. I guess it was your first concert after your hiatus ."

"Oh." And I saw you there.

"Well I've read the news about you. They say you were really upset about something. What is it?" It's you. She asks so innocently.

"Uh nothing. Let's have some fun. Right boys?" I ask and they start cheering.

We spent the whole time having fun. I ended up taking her number and a promise that she'll keep in touch with us.

Niall's POV
I saw Liam happy and actually smiling for once. I'm happy for him.

I see him talking to sissy. All the boys were happy with her. She's such an outgoing person, any person would be happy with her.

Adi's POV
I can't believe that I met One Direction today. I didn't know that they would be here. And on top of that I met brother again. I'm so happy.

I reached my room in the X-FACTOR house and called Yash. He must be worried about me.

"Hello. Adi? Oh God finally. You got time to call your best friend?"

"Hey hey! That's not the matter. It's just that I got a bit busy with all these performances. I'm sorry. Please don't be angry at me." I pleaded.

"It's OK. I was joking. I know that you're busy. So, why did you call?"

"It's just that I met One Direction today."

"Oh My God. How? When? Where?-"

"Calm down my friend. Are those love birds there?"

"Yeah. Wait a Sec. I'll call them and put you on speaker." I then hear some shuffling.

"Hello? You're on speaker Adi."

"Yeah. So-" I'm cut off by someone's scream which I recognised as Mary's.

"Hello? Is everything OK there?" I ask.

"Yeah. Everything's OK here. It's Just that Mary had a lot of sugar today. Never mind. You tell me how're you?"

"I'm fine. How are you guys?"

"We're cool. So I heard Yash saying something about One Direction. What i-Mary stop. So what it it?"

"Oh nothing. I met them today and two of them got my numbers."


"Hmm. Niall and Liam. Both of them. They seemed happy to have it."

"Adi. Bed. Now." I heard Si dad. Si quickly muttered a bye and a good night and went to sleep.

True Love Is BlindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora