Chap 27

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Munnu's POV
Next morning
So Pras came home with a big smile. We all were pretty happy for her. I went back to my room after listening to the whole thing. I called Adi and told her the whole thing. But surprisingly she knew everything as Harry probably told her everything.

Guess she has a new bestie. But we all know that she will never forget us. I know it, the girls know it, Yash knows it and the couple also knows it.

After an hour if absolute nothing I get a call from Niall. I just took the call without even thinking.

"Hi. Munnu?"
"Nope. Adi. Who do you think you called?"
"Ohk. I get it. So, watcha doin'?"
"Eh, nothing much. Just called Adi. I'm bored."
"Oh. Wanna go for an ice cream?"
"Yup. I'm up for it."
"Cool then. The same shop?"
"The same shop."
"Okay. Meet you in 10 minutes."
"Kay. Bye."
"Bye." Then we both hang up at the same time. I go and fix myself a bit. And by fixing I don't mean putting make up on. I mean putting decent cloths on. I obviously won't go for an ice cream with Niall with night suit on.

I get ready and go out of the house. I told Jacob that I'll be back in an hour.

I go in and meet the owner of the shop. She is an old woman, probably in her sixties. I talk to her for like 2 minutes when someone closes my eyes.

"Uhm. A wild guess. Are you Niall?" I ask the person even though I knew it was him.

"Aha. You're right!" Says Niall very energetically. So energetically that even if you were sleepy, you'd loose all your sleepiness.

"So. Let us have a seat." He offered.

"Children, sit in a corner seat because if people saw you it would be hard for you to hide." The kind owner said.

"Thank you ma'am." I thanked her.

"It's fine. And don't call me ma'am. Call me Harly."

"Is it okay if we call you Harly Aunty?" I ask.

"It's fine. I know you're from India. You don't call elders by name. It's fine." She replied with a soft smile. I smiled in return. Then Niall took me to our table. We both ordered the same. We just talked.

It was so nice to have another person with whom you can talk about anything. Its like I know him for years when in reality I just met him a few weeks ago. That too because of Adi.

"So Munnu. Ever had a boyfriend?"


"What? Sissy didn't have a boyfriend. You didn't have a boyfriend. What is this?" Niall asked with a shocking look on his face.

"Well none of the girls had a boyfriend." I say shrugging.

"But why?"

"Never thought about anyone in that way."

"Oh... Do you have someone in your mind? I mean do you like someone?" He asked with an innocent face.

"I do like someone." I say the truth.

"Oh." Hurt flashed on his face.

"I'll uh go back. The boys might me waiting for me. Bye." And he left. He didn't ask me if I could go back to my house or not. He didn't offer me for a lift. Maybe he really had some work.

I then hail a cab and go back to my house.

Niall's POV
She likes someone. And that someone is not me. She likes someone else and not me. I was angry. I wasn't angry at her. I was angry at me because I couldn't impress a girl. Shame on me.

I was so heartbroken.

"Hey Niall. Where did you go?" Harry asked me.
I reached home and saw the boys sitting there.

"Why do you care?" I snapped at him. Even though I didn't mean it.

"Uh. I was just asking mate."

"I'm going to my room." I announce. After reaching my room I plop down to my bed and just stare at the ceiling.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Niall. May I come in?" Liam asked me.

"I just want to be alone for sometime."

"No Niall. You need to talk to us."

"Come in." I sighed.

Liam comes in. He sits on my bed. I get up and sit.

"You okay?" He looked concerned.


"You're lying Niall. I know like the back of hand. Tell me what happened." He asked calmly.

"It's just nothing Liam. I don't want to talk about it."

"But if you-" He was cut due to the door bell.

"Who's there at this time?" I wondered. I and Liam get off the bed and go inside the hall room. There I see the girls standing.

I saw Munnu there. Anger ran through my body. I couldn't face. Not now at least.

"Niall?" And she called me. I just turned around and started walking.

"Niall." She called me. I didn't respond.

I was almost to my room when she catches my hand.

"Please listen to me?" She begged.

"There's nothing to listen." And I walk to my room.

"But Niall-" I just slam the door at her face. I now felt guilty. It wasn't her fault that she liked someone else.

"Niall listen to me. Please. Just hear me out." I listen to her speech.

I then open the door and pull her inside. I close the door again and then lock it. I then look at her.

She was almost on the verge of crying. I hug her tightly. I didn't want to leave her.

"I'm sorry Niall. I shouldn't have said that I like someone." And she was crying.

I look at her. I cup her face into my hands.

"No. Let me say. Munnu I've liked right from the first day I saw you. I fell for you right away. But I couldn't say anything to you because I was afraid that it will strain our friendship. I couldn't loose that. And then today when you said that you liked someone I couldn't control myself. I just had get away from there. I'm sorry if I hurt in anyway. I'm extremely sorry. And if you don't want to talk to me after this then I respect your decision." I say everything. I didn't leave any single thing inside me.

"You know you never asked." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"You never asked whom I like."


"You." That's it. I just crush her into a bone crushing hug.

"I Donno what to say." I say.

"Don't say anything. Just hug me."

"Okay." I keep hugging her for like 15 minutes.

"Okay Munnu. I need to ask something."


"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Do you even need to ask that? My answer will always be a yes."

"Thank you. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to prove myself." I say.

"It's fine Niall. Thank you for hearing me out." She says with a soft smile on her face.

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