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Munnu's POV
When we reached there, we just went to the table reserved by Liam. We were the first ones to be there so we just sat there. It wasn't awkward at all. Louis and Rukku sat on the other side.

"So. How's it going Munnu?" Louis asks.
"Going what Lou?"
"With my Niall. How is it? Is he keeping you happy?"
"Yeah. He's a very sweet person." I say looking at him.
"You Ni you need to ask her to be your girlfriend. She's not your girlfriend yet. You've been a couple dates."
"Yeah I will. I just need to make sure about everything." Niall said. Make sure about everything? What does he mean by that? Is trying to see if I'm the one? Like, if he doesn't think I am, will he leave me? Oh God. What have I gotten myself into.

"Munnu. Babe." I see Niall's hand in front of me.

"Yeah. Sorry. I kinda zoned out "

"Yeah we realised. I said I need to make sure about the arrangements. Not you." He said. I heard and I blushed. So he's sure about me.

"Cute couple." Rukku declares.

"What about you babes. How're yoy guys?" I ask.

"We're good. We decided to take it slow."

"Oh. Nice. Don't take too slow either Lou. " Ni warns him.

"I won't. " he says smiling.

"Are we late?" I here Zayn ask.

"Nope. On time." I say smiling.

"But those love birds are late again." Pras says.

"How did they manage to be late every time?" Harry wonders.

"Its called love." Ri says while drinking water.

Everyone then just started having a convo. Just weird convo. I sat there doing basically nothing.

"Hi. I'm Niall. "

"Oh hi Niall. I didn't know you were the Niall I was going out with." With a laugh I answer.

"Uhuh. You were going out with an unknown guy babe. Be careful the next time."

"I will. Definitely." I say smiling.

Then came Adi and Liam.

"We have a surprise for you." Adi declares.

"What surprise?"

"You'll know in a few minutes. "

Then I see Justin Bieber. With his girlfriend?

"Hi. I'm Justin. This is my girlfriend Selena. You guys know her already though." He says with a laugh

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