Chap 5

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Adi's POV
I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a weird noise. I got up to see what happened. I get to the kitchen and see Yash, Mary and Jacob in baking powder coating. I started laughing hysterically. By now I was laughing rolling on the ground. I see all of them also laughing. After some time we all stopped laughing and I asked what had happened.
"Umm actually it's your birthday and we thought of surprising you. But because of stupid Yash and Jacob, everything is now ruined. Sorry dude." Marry told me with a stern look on face.
"Hey I didn't do anything Jacob was-"
"Don't say about me Yash. You were the one who-"
"Guys stop it's alright. At least my day started with a good laugh. Thanks "
"Anything for you." Yash said with a look of relief.
"Ok Adi we have a full day planned for u go get ready and Mary help her out Ok? Hope you know the whole plan." Jacob exclaims.
"B-but -"
"No buts Adi. Just go. Mary get on work."
"Aye aye captain." Mary said saluting.

We go to our room and she immediately sent me to the bathroom.
"Go to shower."

I go inside and have a good shower of 20 minutes and thought that would be enough for me. I go out to see a top with ' I am the birthday Queen today' written on it and a pair shorts. I guess that's my dress code for today. I wear that and seeing Mary come in.

"Sit. I'm doing your makeup though you don't need it."

I was sitting for a good half an hour. And then I was aloud to get up.i saw myself. I looked pretty good.

"Thanks Mary." I hugged her.
"Let's go birthday girl."

We started going g but I suddenly collide with her back. She turned around and hugged me .

"Sorry forgot to wish you. Happy birthday."
"Thanks "
"Ok let's goooo" dragging the 'o'.
I guess today will be hella lot of fun.

Author's Note!!!!!!
Ok so firstly I would say 'Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day. Have Fun And Enjoy It's Your Day...... And Please Think About A Reunion.......'
Ok guys byeeee

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