Chap 12

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Adi's POV
So after I reached home, I told the trio about the whole 'brother' thing. Their reactions were priceless. Obviously. It doesn't happen everyday that a member of a world famous band comes and hugs a random girl and calls her his sister.

Whatever it was, it was a great experience for me. I then went to bed peacefully.

Niall's POV
I then went home without any problems. After reaching home I found no one awake. I then went to sleep with my 'sister' on my mind.

Next morning
I got up and decided to tell the boys about her.

I go inside the kitchen and see only Liam and Zayn up.

"Morning guys." I greet them happily.

"Good morning." Only Zayn answers .

"Are you Ok Liam?" I ask a totally thought - engrossed Liam.

"Huh? Oh you're up. Good good. Morning Niall." He almost mutters. Guess he didn't get much of sleep yesterday. But he is doing this since our first concert. He is always in deep thought. God knows about what. According to Harry he supposedly thinks about the same girl he saw the other day in the concert.

"Um breakfast anyone?" Zayn asks.

"Me. I'm hungry from yesterday's walk. Oh and I want to tell you something really interesting. Let Harry and Louis wake up."

"I'm up. Hi guys. I heard my name. "
Harry pipes in with Louis.

"Hey! Yup we were talking about you both. Come sit. I wanna talk to you guys." I say. They come and sit.

I tell them everything right from the starting.

"So you know her name?" Harry asks.

"Nope. When she was going to say her name her friend called her back to her hotel."

"You have her number?" Louis asks.


"You know anything about her hotel?" Zayn asks.

"Umm ... nope"

"And you call her your sister?" Liam asks.

"Yes. I donno what came into me and I just called her my sister. There is something about her that just attaches me to her. I'm just thinking about her. I just felt like home near her, just like I feel near you guys, near Greg." I told my feelings.

"Well let's just hope that you run into your 'sister'. " Louis says.

"Also Liam runs into that girl he saw during the concert." Says Harry.

"Ok guys. What about some breakfast? I'm hungry." I said with a hand on my stomach.

"Typical Niall. " Liam states with a laugh.

Adi's POV
"Guys breakfast. I'm hungry." I whined.

"Ok ok no need to be whiney. Here." Says Yash.

"Thank you so much. You saved me from dying. "

"Well just stop this. Oh  I and  my beautiful girlfriend here have a need for you Adi." Jacob told me with a smile evident on his face.

"And I probably have 2 good news for you Adi." Yash told with a stupid grin.

"Ok guys what is it?"

"Me first. Well we are staying here for 2 more weeks. And then we are going to permanently shift here.". Mary told me .

"Woah. When did this happen? Whatever it is I'm happy if both of you are happy. Now Yash."

"Well remember you had this dream if going to X-Factor? "

"Yeah. " I was unsure about what was coming up.

"Well I may or may not have sent a request for you there ."

"Oh my God."

"And they asked me for a sample of your talent. Now I sent them a video of yours . They loved it. We have the auditions next week. You are going for the auditions. And I talked to your parents about it. They are happy about it."

I was speechless. No one has done something like this for me. I did nothing but just hug him.

"But I'm not that good enough."

"Don't say that Adi. I've heard sing many times. And you are really talented with a beautiful voice."
Jacob told me .

"Ok. Well the second news?"

"Well we are staying here for another two weeks."

"Oh my god."

"And if you are selected then we are going to stay here for a whole month."

"Ok." I was beyond happy.

"Oh and maybe I need your signature. So you have to come with me to the office today."

"Thank you Yash. You're the best friend ever."

"I know I know."

I guess I now need to concentrate on my voice now.

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