Chap 14

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Adi's POV

I was so happy. This was my dream since I was 6. I absolutely love singing. And now I'm even hugging The Simon Cowel.

"Thank you so much Sir. I promise to work hard." I promise to Simon Sir.

"First off don't call me Sir. And second, I want you to win this competition. I absolutely Loved your song. The way you sing, there's something that wants me hear it again and again."

"Yes Sir." He groans.


"Yes Sir."


"Ok. Can I go now? My Friends are waiting out there for me." I ask him.

"Yeah. Bye. Practice hard." He wishes luck and then I practically run from the stage and give a huge hug to my friends.

"You're selected! I'm so so so so happy for you." they started screaming.

I calm them down. Then tell them the whole thing. They again started screaming. They are really happy for me.

After a few days, in the live shows
Oh my God. I'm really nervous. I don't know what will calm me down. It's the live shows. Yes. I was selected and now I'm in the top

"Adi you ready? You're next." Mary yells.

"Yeah. But I'm a bit nervous." I confess.

"Hey hey hey. You're a good singer. No need to be nervous. Come on give me a hug now." And she hugs me. Feels better. I feel two more people hugging us. I see Jacob an Yash.

"Adi you're up in a minute. All the best. Hope you get selected." Philip then shakes my hand and I go up on the stage. In the last few days I've gotten close to him. He's a good guy.

"Hi Aditi. How're you? " Natalie ma'am asks me.

"I'm good ma'am. How're you?"

"I'm fine thank you." She says with a smile.

"Hey Aditi. What are you going to sing today?" Louis questions.

"I'm going to sing Dare by Shakira." I say with a smile.

"Ok. So here we go." Cheryl, my mentor, says with enthusiasm. 

I sing my heart out...

I finish the song and then realised that I had my eyes closed the whole time .

When I open my eyes, I see all the judges standing. This means I sang good.

"You were fantastic."
"You were so good."
"Oh I absolutely loved your singing."
"Adi, hope you don't mind if I call you Adi, I seriously feel as if my own daughter is singing here on the stage." And my eyes were wide open. Simon Sir said that. Own daughter. Oh God, someone pinch me. Hope this is not a dream.

"Adi, I want you to work really hard and just win this competition." Simon Sir said that.
I was still in the shock until Mark, tapped on my shoulder and asked if I was alright.

This was such a good feeling .

"In that case, I could call you umm yes Si dad. Sounds good?" I asked   him with enthusiasm.

"Hey, that's a pretty good name! I liked it sugar plum." And he laughs. Sugar plum. I could get used to the name.

True Love Is BlindOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz