Chapter 22

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"I love you so much Hunter," he whispers. My smile grows wide, and I look him straight into his blue eyes.

"I love you," I whisper back. The crowd "awed" making me giggle. Then all the sudden, an voice I haven't heard in a while. "Now wasn't that cute?"

I look over at the voice coming out of a microphone.

"Adam?" Jack whispers.

"Adam." I repeat.

"Dude what are you doing here?" I hear Taylor ask him. "That's, non of you business Mr. Caniff," he says mischievous.

"It's Taylor idiot," he mumbled the last word.

"Jack, I-I gotta go," I release myself from Jack's grip and head towards the back stage.


"Jack I can't be in the same room as them," I push past the guys to get to the backstage. I look both right and left to see my worst nightmare.


All my bullies, smirking at me. "W-what are you guys d-doing here?" They all look at each other.

"We're here to see our siblings of course," Macy says in a -fake- sweet voice.

I can't take this right now! I push my way past them. And I make my way to the hotel. It's about a 20 minute walk but I don't care.

"Hunter Trainor!?" I hear someone scream from behind me. I turn around and see a group of about 10 girls.

I put a fake smile on my face and I wait for them all to get to me. "Hi!" One girl says really loud.

I let out a small laugh. "Can we get a picture?" Another girl behind her ask me.

"Of course," I smile.

One girl comes up to me and she asked if I could take the picture. I take her phone and I take about 3 pictures with her. The one girl started crying. I hugged her till the tears calmed down. The next girl came out to be shy.

"Hi!" She said hi back and we took a picture together. And she asked me if I could follow her on Twitter. I decided to be nice and follow the girls.

After I got through the girls I waved bye to them and they started to walk away. I turned around and BANG! I fall to the ground landing on my arm.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" The figure rushes, holding out a hand for me.

"Don't worry about it," I say rubbing my arm. It hurts like a bitch but it'll be fine. "I should watch where I was goi-"

"Hunter!" A distant voice calls. I turn around to see Taylor's colorful shirt running up to me.

He finally reaches me and he's out of breath. "Thank god I found you," he looks at the person next to me.

"Thalia (the person who this is chose that name)?!" Taylor exclaims.

I look at the girl. She looks up and her eyes widen at the sight, "Taylor!"

She runs over to him and jumps on him. She wraps her legs around his torso. My eyes widen. Taylor is spinning around and rocking back and forth.

"Did I miss something?"

Taylor lets the girl, apparently named Thalia, down.

"Taylor and I were bestest friends before I moved here! Well actually I moved to Toronto. Then here!" She explains.

"Just friends?" I smirk raising an eyebrow.

Taylor whacks me in the arm. I giggle. "Anyways Hunter, the guys want you back. They're worried. And Jack's going a little crazy. He's even more worried," oh no.

I can feel the worried look in my eyes.

"Thalia, want to come back with us? In sure Shawn would love to see you again,"

"Shawn's on your with you guys! My Shawnie Boy!" She squeals. "Of corse!"

"Welp I gotta run!" I run back towards the venue where Magcon is being held. The thing is I forgot to tell the guys I was in track. And I always win first.

I run fast basically.


Go to the back entrance of the venue and I bump into a security guard.


"Hey I need to get in there," i basically yell at the guy.

"Sorry Mam' crew members only."

"The hell with crew members! I'm a performer. I should be performing in there right now! Goddamn it, let me in!"

"What's your name?" This is annoying!

"I'm Hunter! Hunter Trainor!"

He looks at a list and shakes his head. "You're not on here."

I head footsteps and I see Taylor and Thalia finally come. "Taylor! Tell this idiot of a security guard, that I'm suppose to be in there!" I yell at Taylor.

"Listen security dude," Taylor stands in front of the guard and Thalia stands by me. She grabs my hand, calming me down. "Hunter is a performer. And this other girl is with me. We cool?"

"Alright, head in."

"My fucking god," I say getting frustrated. She squeezes my hand a little harder.

He lets us through the door. I release from Thalia's hand and I run. I have to find Jack.

I find a sign that says "stage" on it and I head that way. I open two big doors and look both ways into the long hallway.

I decide to run to the left. I run till I find the first door and head into it. It leads me to the back of the stage for Magcon.

I frantically look in all directions. I can't find Jack. Then that's when I figure he must me on the stage.

"Awe! Look she came back to be even more humiliated," I head a voice say.

I turn to see Cindee (carters sister).

"I don't have time for your shit. Where's Jack?"

"Stage," she says blankly.

I push her out of my way, and I run onto the stage. Everyone starts cheering. The guys have yet to notice my presence. I run up to Jack and I wrap my arms around him tightly.

"Hunter," he whispers into my ear. Everyone keeps cheering. "I was so worried," I keep my head in his shoulder.

He cups my face and puts his forehead on mine. "Hunter, I love you. I wouldn't let him hurt you."

"I know," I whisper while I feel tears coming.

Tears soon fall. Jack wipes them off my face with his thumb. "You're too pretty to cry."


So the bullies are back. I know a lot happened in this chapter like woah.


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