Chapter 3

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Not only am I on stage at the one and only Magcon event. I met my hero.

I look at my he hand grabbing my wrist. I look back to the guys holding back Cameron. I turn around, immediately going into a hug.

"Woah, what was going that for?"

"I love your music. 'Tides' helped me. I mean I still have my scars but it saved me." I'm smiling ridiculously.

"Well I'll help ya. You're really pretty, Hunter" I smile and I look down. His voice saying my name.

"How about we all hang out after this?" I nod. "Id like that" Jack grabs the microphone off the floor. "Alright guys, this is our new friend Hunter. She is being bullied. So I'm gonna call on people and you are gonna tell her how much you love her and to stay strong."

"I have one" I hear a voice say from behind me. Adam. "Uh everyone this is my brother Adam and he has something to say.

Adam and I stand side by side. He's smirking. "I've known this chick since 6th grade. I know who is bullying her-" I look back at Johnson giving him a worried look. He looks at his brother. Giving him a weird look.

"She is a slut. She goes home and cries herself to sleep. The scars up and down her arms don't lie. She is useless and no-"

"You know what Adam? I'm fucking tired of you doing this to me. Ever since 6th grade you and your group of friends have bullied me. I'm tired of it. Yes there are scars on my arms,But you're caused them. So are you happy? Are you?" I screamed as I pointed to yo and the rest of my bullies.

"Yeah I am happy! Something should happen to sluts like you" he screams back.

"If you didn't know, I'm still a virgin." I exclaimed. "And I hope you know-" someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Let's stop please" I look to see who it is. Johnson. Adam is gone by the time I look back. "I'll deal with my brother later."

He looks down at my wrists. My scars. "Why?" he whispers. "Because my life is fucked up. I've been bullied for so long." I simply make out. I give a faint smile. He lets go but he hugs me. I hug back.

This is the best day of my life.


I've been up on stage the whole time. The guys took my phone and saw my social media usernames. And told everyone. So I'm like up on followers.

I've stood by Mahogany most of the time. As she dropped some sick beats I sang along to the songs she played.

"Guys can we bring my sister up" I asked Cam. He nods. I look the mic from a blue eyes fellow.

"Hey!" he screams. "Nice to meet you too!" I screamed at him. "Can I bring up Megan." I pointed to her and her eyes widened. She got up on stage and everyone went crazy.

"Woah! Is that Megan Trainor?" Mahogany asks. "How do you know my sister?"

"She's so popular on YouTube she can sing."

"I never knew she has like... Well that." I looked at the guys and they went crazy. Cam comes up to me. "I didn't know your sister was the Megan Trainor."

"I didn't either."

*after the event*

"Megan Trainor, nice to meet you!" a dude exclaims. "I was talking to the guys and they thought it would be a good idea for you to become part of magcon. Would you want to?" Megan started jumping.

"Oh my god! Yes! When do I start"

"Well we were hoping that you could come with us for the next stops so tomorrow. We are leaving to Orlando tomorrow."

"Absolutely!" he hands Megan a plane ticket. "Meet us at the airport at 9 in the morning."

"Im happy for you." I say to her.

"Oh and Hunter I got something for you." He hands me an envelope, I open it. "Would you like to come with us? Become part of Magcon?"

"Wait why would I join I'm not even like any of these people"

"Well Megan posted a video on YouTube of you singing. It went viral. People love you! Will you join?"

"Of corse!"

"Alrighty I'll see you tomorrow!"


So I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the only person reading it.




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