Chapter 29

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"You know your going to have to go back to school right?" Meg says as she walks to the kitchen.

I groan, very loudly, "What's today?"


"NOO YOU CANT MAKE ME GO!" I honestly hate school, not just because of my stupid ass bullies but it's just dumb in general. "Hunt-"

"YOURE GOING!" She sings going upstairs.


My alarm goes off.

I slam my hand down on my phone screen hoping to turn it off. I succeed. Forcing myself out of bed, I go to my closet and out on a tee shirt with "36" on it, blue jeans (literal meaning of blue), and a white jacket over. {pic above}

Next I head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Now we have a problem, I have no idea where my backpack is. I literally search everywhere. "Hunt, hurry up your going to be late!"

"I can't find my backpack!" I scream back at her. "It's down here you idiot!" I sigh, grabbing my phone as I walk out the my room.

As I go down the stairs, i regret it. "Awe! First day going back to school!" Meg screams. "Do you not know how much work I'm going to have to catch up on?"

Meg nods putting a piece of bread into her mouth. "Well I'm gonna go to school, not because I want to, because I'm gonna use the school computers to enroll into online school."

I grab my backpack and walk out he door. I hate school. I hate it. We're there for 6, maybe 7 (I don't pay attending on), hours of our day to learn stuff we won't ever use. We should just end school right after middle school cause that's where you are ready.

When I walk up the school everyone is looking at me. "Is there something on my face?" I say out loud my thoughts. Everyone nods their head "no." Then that's when Ariana walks up to me. "Everyone is surprised your back. Walk with me," she gives me a hand gesture to follow her. "I really like your singing, I'm really pissed I don't know about how good you are at singing until magcon. We will stop all those ugly bullied together! Alri-"

"Woah!" I stop her, "one you're the most popular girl in school, why would you talk to me?-" she was about to say something, but i put my finger up stopping her mid-breath. "And two, we can't stop them."

Ariana gives me an innocent smile. "To answer your first question, I think that your cool. You cane out of your shell at magcon and you're an amazing person. And two, I can stop whoever I want, together we can slay this school."

"Okay? But I'm not going to be a bitch, I'm gonna be myself," I acknowledge her.


I give a small laugh. I hope people look at me for me now, and hopefully Ariana actually likes me. "Okay I'm done with screaming," She giggles. "What's your number?! I'll text you during 4th period to tell you were to go at lunch," I smile at her and take her phone and put my contact in.

"Thanks babe! Hey look I'm gonna head to 1st period, I'll see you in Mr.Walks room!" She starts to walk away slowly heading to her class. "Alright bye!" I smile at her. I can't believe I actually made a friend.

"Yo Hunter!" A males voice from behind me speaks. I turn slowly to see Adam and his irrelevant friends. I groan and turn around.

"Look I don't have the time of day to be messed with right now so please leave me alone?" I ask them, hoping they'll leave me alone.

"Look were not gonna hurt you, but I need you to do something," Macy tells me.

"No I'm not doing anything for you," Just then the bell rings and I run away from them.


As I sit down in my seat in first period everyone looks at me. I hate this type of attention, not from my fans, but from people at school. I can't wait to go to 2nd period with Ariana.

I'm called out of my thoughts by my stupid teacher. "Hunter, because you aren't paying attention what do you get when you multiply 4 by (7+68)-12?"

I stare at him until I figure it out mentally because he literally said in the beginning that were going over 6th grade work. "About 252?" I question because I'm not sure if it's right or not. I guess it was right because he turned to the board and started his 6th grade lesson again.


"Ariana! Aren't I glad to see you!" I breath put as Ariana holds out her hands to hug me. I accept the the hug and go straight into her arms. "What happened?"

"Fucking Adam and his posse."

"Ah, makes sense," She gives me a small smile. "How about you get dressed for PE and meet me in the gym. I nod and go to my PE locker.

When I'm done getting dressed I head to the gym and see Ariana talking to some other people. She looks over and sees me. Her eyes light up and motion be over. "Hunter I'm sure you know Julie, Ella, and Alexandra," Ariana introduces me.

"I do now," I smile at them and they smile back at me. Maybe I actually am fitting in.


"Hey Hunter want to come over to my house today?" Ariana touches my shoulder as I close my locker. "Sure."

"Walk with me!" We start walking towards her house. We have several conversations. We even stopped to take several selfies because, I admit, we both looked good. I posted one on instagram and got several notifications. So did Ariana because I tagged her.

Once we get into her house, I instantly smell smoke. I actually don't mind this smell because this is literally what our school smells like. "You smoke?"

"I use to," I lie, "I just haven't in a while because I couldn't get any," Ariana smirks at me. "Well to start you back again, here take a cigarette," she throws me the pack of cigarettes, "Keep them."

I take one out of the box and put the rest in my bag, "light me?"

"Of course," she comes closer to me and takes put a lighter. She gets a flame and I lean closer, she lights it and I inhale the smoke.

Surprisingly, when I take the cigarette away to breath out, I don't cough. "Geez Tranior, I didn't know you where that much of a badass,"

Just then the phone vibrated with a text message.

JohNson: hey babe

I smile at the text, then I hear a camera click go off. I look over at Ariana and she shrugs her shoulders. "What? It looks tumblr as fuck. Can I post it?" I nod my head giving her permission.

@ariqueen: @huntertrainor tumblr.

I have to admit, she was right, it was so tumblr. Me smiling down at my phone, while the smoke in my hand. I can get use to hanging put with Ariana.


find me where the weed at ✌️


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