Chapter 20

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Jack and I get off of the floor. We are walking side by side. Jack grabs my hand, I smile and we keep walking.

"I love you," I hear Jack laugh

"I love you too," I smile and I kiss his cheek.

Then a loud roar of screams came. We look further ahead of us to see about 40 to 50 girls waiting for us at baggage claim.

"Looks like we're having a meet and greet," Taylor screams. We all walk towards the girls, some are crying, some are freaking out and jumping around, some people are somewhat fine.

We all get into a line and people get the gist of what's going on.

They start at the beginning of the line-Aaron- and they move their way down the line. Once someone gets to my line they run up to be and hug me so hard.

I looked at her with the others, she didn't do this. I also noticed that she was crying.

"Oh babe, why are you crying?" I ask her.

"I'm just so glad to meet you! You've been my inspiration," I see has a friend of hers filming us.

This girl is about 13, 14 years old. Still in the hug, I lift her off the ground. She wraps her legs around me.

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" She moved her face so now I can see her.

She gets down and she asks if we can take a picture. "What's your name sweetie?" I ask.

"Morgan!" She says excitedly.

"Alright Morgan how about you stay a little while longer,till this is done, and I'll give you something okay. But you have to be quite," I whisper into her ear.

She gasped and nodded repeatedly. "Alright go move on to the others," I smile at her. She mouths "Thank you" and mouths onto Jacob.

He exit girl who comes up to me has a disgusted look on her face. "Um is there something on my face or-?"

"You're using the boys, you're not talented you can sing," she says in her annoying high pitched voice.

"Like you can do any better," I say under my breath. She smirks at me and I give her a smirk in response.

"Alright guys!" I yell standing up on a chair. "This young lady right here would like to sing for you all because she's so much better than me. Then we'll have a vote of how's better," I smirk at her again and she looks embarrassed.

"Where ever you are just stop and listen," I say. I jump off the chair and tell her to go up there.

She starts singing, but it's very soft, I can barely hear her and I'm like 3 feet away from her. Plus her voice.

People start shouting "boo!" I look over at the guys they are saying it too.

"Hunter! Hunter!" Someone starts chanting. "Hunter! Hunter! Hunter! Hunter!"

They keep chanting. The girl gets angry and stomped away.

After my laugh attack, we continued the meet and greet.


"Hunter! Get up!" A voice screams, the same voice on the plane. "Magcon starts in an hour and a half get ready!"

I open my eyes slowly to reveal Meg, again, standing there looking down at me.

I get up and get dressed.

I put on a high to low crop top, with a pair of black high waisted shorts, and I place a Magcon beanie on my head.

When I step out I see that everyone is in the room. "The hell-"

"Hunter!" Cam screams. He motions his arm which tells me to go over to him. I walk over to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder.

I look over at Jack and give him a smile. He looks at me then to Cam. He squints his eyes.

"Calm down," I mouth to him. He looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

"Alright guys, we gonna turn up at today's show right?" Cam asks moving his head all around the room.

"Yeah!" Everyone yells.

Everyone starts to leave out the door. I move Cam's arm from my shoulder and I walk next to Jack.

"Hi!" I exclaim them kiss his on the cheek.

"Hi baby girl," he smiles. I love when he calls me that. But I know we've only been dating for like 2 days but I love that nickname.

"How are you," he asks me.

"Sleepy," I yawn. He gives a little laugh and then he looks forward again.

We got up to the elevator and there was a piece of paper on the elevator. "Elevator is broken." Cam read it loud.

"Stairs it it!" Gilinsky yells. We all march to the stairs, and I grab Jack's hand and once I grab his hand he squeezes mine in his.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear.

I smile, "I love you too."



My parents are so legit! They got me a galaxy tablet (4). Like now I can make my edits on there and delete my editing apps off my phone so I can have more space. AND I CAN DOWNLOAD EXPELLED AND WATCH IT ON A BIGGER SCREEN THAN MY PHONE! And it's my own too like my brother nor my sister can touch it!

I'm sorry I'm bragging. What did yall get for Christmas?

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