Chapter 30

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"Dude I need a lighter!" Ariana whines. I giggle and walk over to a bowl in the middle of the kitchen counter and grab a black lighter. "You need to stop being lazy," I giggle once again while she leans forward, giving me a hunt to light the cigarette.

"Yo Hunter, how's your adventures with the magcon dudes?" Ariana asks taking the cigarette out of her mouth. "Pretty chill, I love meeting my fans. It's crazy how many fans i got in a matter of weeks," I breath out.

"I bet it's fun to have fans."

"It is," then my phone rang. As I reached in my pocket to get my phone, I thought of Jack cones into my mind.


I smile as I swipe to answer the call.

"Hi baby," I say still smiling.

"Hi babygirl," I can hear small sniffles in the background, I don't know if it's coming from Jack or not. "Jack?" I call for him. "Jack, are you okay?"

"Hunter, I-I'm not completely sure," his voice shakes. "Hunter I-I need-d you."

"Baby," I whisper into the phone, "I don't think my sister will let me go to Omaha."

I hear his sniffle, "Please Hunter," he begs, "Try, do anything I n-need you here,"

I look over at Ariana who is not paying attention to all of this, she's staring at the pack of cigarettes. "I'll try everything I can do," I tell him over the cries.

"I'll see you soon baby, I love you," I tell him.

"I love you," we both then share our goodbyes and then we hang up. "Ariana, I gotta go. Somethings going on with my boyfriend and- URG, I gotta go," without hesitation I grab all my things including the pack of cigarettes and a black lighter.

"I'll text you later I promise," I rush out of her house. I decide to call Meg and explain everything because I can't wait.

"Meg? Look I gotta get straight to the point here, I have to go to Omaha. Somethings wrong with Jack and he won't tell me. I'm really worried," I spit the words out really fast.

"Hunter, slow down, repeat everything again but slower," She slows down her words.

"Jack called me and he was crying saying he needed me. I need to go to Omaha to get him," I didn't realize it but I was crying. "Hunter please, I have to go. I can't handle him being sad and I can't be there for him," I beg.

"Alright, I'll get you the next flight to Omaha. But you'll have to pay for the plane back because I need money for the rent," oh thank god!

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! I'll be home in like 5, 10 minutes."

I hang up the phone and started to cry even harder. Several people who were walking on the sidewalk looked at me like I was crazy. The truth is I think I am going crazy.

As soon as I see the house, I run. I unlock the door and there stands Meg in the kitchen on her laptop. As the door opens she looks back at me. Sadness goings into her eyes and she walks up to me. She embraces me in a hug. "The flight is at 9:45," she whispers into my ear.

I nod through the hugs and tears. She lets me go to start backing because its 6:30 and shes gonna drop me off at 7-7:15.

I go upstairs and pack a whole bunch of sweaters and leggings because all my other close are dirty. Then my phone started ringing, again.

It was an unknown number.

"H-hello," my voice shakes as I answer the phone. "Hey, um, is this Hunter?" a males voice says on the other line. "Mm-hm."

"Okay, sup my name is Sammy, I know that your Jack's girlfriend and I'm like so sorry to disturb you, but you need to get here to Omaha. Jack is falling apart, he won't tell us what is happening," Sammy explains.

"Yeah, he called me c-crying said he needed me, he never told me what happened," I softly tell him as a zip up the suitcase heading to the bathroom.

"I'm just really scared," Sammy whispers. "I am too."

Sammy and I talk as I repack my toiletries in my bag. This time, I made sure I brought my razor. I told Sammy I was going to head to the airport so we hung up and I headed downstairs.


Meg and I don't talk on the ride to the airport. But when we made it to the airport she embraced me in a long hug, then handed me the printout of the ticket. I smiled at her and started to go check in my bags.

That didn't take long but to me it seemed forever. It was 7:30 and I honestly didn't know what to do. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and find a girl about 13. "Are you Hunter?"

I smile, "Yes I am."

"Oh, well you suck, I hate you. You're taking Jack away from us," She spits out her words over reacting each word. I stand there with a small smile on my face as she throws her insults at me. "I'm not taking anything from anyone. If anything, it's fans like you," I point to her, "who are bringing him down and making him feel bad," I know I shouldn't have done that but I had to say what was on my mind.

"I don't do anything to Jack," she says very proud of herself. "Sure," and then I walk away to a Jamba Juice to get a smoothie.


I stop in my tracks and take out my phone.

Gilinsky: hey hunter

Hunter: hey

Gilinsky: we finally got jack to open the door

Hunter: thank god

Gilinsky: call me

I went off the messages app and went to the phone app and looked for Gilinsky's contact. Once I find it I call him and he almost instantly answers. "Hey," his voice cracks in the middle.

"Jack is everything okay?" I ask in a panic because he also sounded like he was crying.

"S-Sam, Nate, a-and I, we opened the-the door and we found Jack," he paused, "cutting himself."

My eyes widen, I bring my hand to cover my open mouth. I feel the tears moving down my face. "R-Really?" I ask in disbelief.


"Jack where is he now?" I ask.

"We're all at his house," He says. "Can you send me Jack's address because once I land in Omaha I'm going straight there, don't tell him I'm going."

"Okay," Jack still sounds sad, even over the phone. "I love you Jack, thank you, but I have to go."

I start walking, still on the phone, "Love you too, I'll see you soon," Jack hangs up and I bring my phone down into my pocket.

Why would Jack do this?


aye sorry its been a while since ive made a long chapter. but there ya go enjoy because slay.


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