Chapter 27

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After many hours of messing around at Dave and Busters, we get kicked out. We can all thank Poohbear for going around the whole place screaming "IM A PANCAKE" and dropping food everywhere.

We're all in a group walking back to the hotel because why not? I was having a nice little chat with Thalia when I saw a Ben & Jerry's sign.

"OH MY GOD! ICE CREAM!" I run into the store bumping into the others and not caring about what they think. It's my god damn birthday.

"Hi can I get Reese's Peanut Butter Chip ice cream in a large bowl!?" I am so excited because I haven't had ice cream in a while. "Yes m'am," the worker says very cheerful as she gets my ice cream.

The others walk into the store and I'm basically jumping. Jack comes up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Excited?"

"Yes! Could you tell?" I ask. Jack shakes his head. "No not at all," he laughs his words out. The worker hands me my ice cream and k heap it with all my excitement.

Before I go up to the counter I see Jack over there. "No!" But I'm too late Jack already pays for the ice cream. "I was gonna pay!" I say still jumpy.

"Welp too bad!"

We all walk out the store and continue walking. "You're gonna eat all that ice cream?" Jack asks from beside me.

"I mean it's okay, I'm already fat anyways," i shrug my shoulders putting a spoonful of Reese's ice cream in my mouth (idea from another book so ✌️)

"You're no fat," Jack mumbles facing forward. He stops me.

He puts his hands on my waste and stares me into the eyes. "You're beautiful, perfect," I smile at his words.

"Thanks bae!" I give his a quick kiss on the lips and run out of his grip and caught up to Meg.

"We haven't talked in a while! Wassup with chu!" I say wrapping my arm around my sister's shoulder.

"Happy birthday! I have yet to say that!" She says cheerful. "Anyways! Something exciting happen yesterday."

"Oh what?!" Meg looks around then puts her hands around her mouth and comes up to my ear. "Cam asked me out."

I scream a high pitched scream, "OH MY GOSH CA-" a hand clasps around my mouth. I see the eyes of the guys and others on me. "Shut up," Meg laughs.

I put my hands up in a surrender and continue to eat my ice cream.

When we all get to MY hotel room I plop down on the bed but to soon be jumped by screaming. "PRESENT TIME!"

I jerk up and my eyes widened. "But I'm tired!" I groan.

"But presents!"

"Fine!" I sit on the edge of the bed as Cam gives me my first present. "From Nash and I."

I smile at his and I rip open the presents wrapping paper. I gasp a loud gasp. "A NEW BACKPACK!" I scream. I run to Cam and Nash and I give them one big group hug.


Mahogany comes up to me and hands me a bag. Still smiling, I scrummage through the bag, once I feel something I pull it out.

"MAHOGANY!!" I scream, throwing my new clothes behind me. "Come here boo!" She stands up and puts her hands out and I run up to her, hugging her to death.

You're probably thinking, "it's just clothes" but no. It's not, its clothes picked by Mahogany.


Last but not least, Jack. He handed me a small box, I was about to open it when someone crashed through the door.

"Wait I have one!" All eyes go to the door. Adam. He throws me a box, good thing I caught it.

I look at Jack then back at Adam, who is leaving the room. "Okay?" I slowly say. I slowly open the box to notice a hat. I bring my hand to pick it up. I turn it to the front so I can read the words on it. "Tumblr"

I place the hat on my head and shrug my shoulders. I then throw the box to Cam. He almost dies but it's okay.

Then I go to Jack's small black box. I look at his and smile, he smiles back. I open the box and its a neckless with the word "love" on it. I run up to Jack and hug him, like I'll never let go.



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