Chapter 1: History Repeated

Start from the beginning

Their landing in Phenac City, 10 hours later, was smooth. Zane's enthusiasm hadn't faded by the time they made it through passport control.

'Look out, Orre! Here comes your new Champion, Zane!'

Sitting on their bags to wait for Cassia, with her Alolan passport, their eyes scanned arrivals for potential competitors. A man asked if Amber was related to Leon. It was unavoidable. As if being named after the amber eyes they shared wasn't enough, she inherited his purple hair. It wasn't so obvious with Zane. His mother's cerulean hair turned purple into indigo. At least he looked nothing like his uncle, Champion Michael.

'Just wait – they'll be asking Lee if he's related to Champion Zane and you'll be his greatest rival!'

Cassia's homemade jewellery jingled. She dyed her hair blonde, but her poised turquoise eyes gave her dad's identity away. They hurried out to the taxi rank. The driver silently tossed their bags into his rusty car's trunk as they squashed onto the back seat. Zane winced.

'Your belt's stabbing me, Cass.'

'Budge up, then!'

The engine spluttered into action. There was a faint smell of cigar smoke and body odour. Amber spoke confidently.

'To Phenac Stadium, please!'

The driver could have been taking them anywhere. He said nothing. Endless highway lights dimly illuminated flat desert. The car juddered over potholes. Sweltering heat leaked through its ailing air conditioning. Harmonica music blared from a passing motorbike. They shared giddy grins. This was already more hair-raising than Galar could ever be.

Phenac City's walls were adorned with illuminated flags representing Orre's eight Gym Badges. The stadium looming over it was illuminated, too, in matching colours. They weren't sure if they spotted any Trainers at the airport, but they had now. Battles raged between Ace Trainers in otherwise quiet streets flanked by palms and canals. The taxi didn't wait for a lull. It scooted around them. They were thrown forward by an abrupt stop near steps to the stadium. The driver threw them their bags.



'P20,000. Cash only.'

'I'm not stupid, mate. I know the flat fare's P3,500.'

'My fare's P20,000.'

Zane clutched a Poké Ball. 'Hey, asshat, maybe you're not scared of her, but I'm from here – and I'm gonna be your Champion soon. Stop trying to rip us off or I'll make you regret it.'

It was Zane's Orrean side coming out. Within seconds, the driver was sending out Vibrava and Grimer to face Zane's Sylveon. He snickered.

'What even is that? A walking Pokémon Contest?'

'Sylveon! Dazzling Gleam!'

Dazzling light blinded them. Once the driver blinked it away, Vibrava had curled into a withered ball. Grimer's Poison Gas choked Sylveon, but Psyshock crushed it into a slimy puddle. It was too late to accept the flat fare. The driver paid Zane for the ride in prize money. He stood triumphantly with hands on hips as the car rattled away.

'That's how you do it in Orre!'


His bag of snacks was gone. The driver sped off with it. That annoyed Zane more than the attempted rip off. He grumbled as they climbed the steps to Phenac Stadium. They registered for this year's Gym Challenge online, but Michael advised them to arrive early to complete registration in person. Sometimes they registered too many walk-ins on the day and late arrivals were turned away.

Arriving 11 hours early was Amber's idea. Then they would get first choice of jersey numbers. There was a faint smell of stale booze by the stadium's tightly closed shutters. A policeman immediately asked them to take their tent down. They awoke from sweaty, interrupted sleep at 6AM to find an ONBS crew standing over them. As soon as Cassia sat, a microphone was thrust at her.

'So how long have you guys been here?!'

'Since, like, midnight.'

'Wow! And is that an Alolan accent I hear?'

'Sure is.'

'We're both half Galarian!' Zane babbled, sitting bolt upright, 'And I'm half Orrean! But she's all Galarian.'

He pointed to sleepy Amber. Her Charmeleon stood protectively over her. Cassia let Zane talk. He was impossible to stop once he got going... and she would prove she was the best through actions, not words.

Trainers rushed to join the line after the broadcast. A petite auburn-haired boy, wearing a shiny varsity jacket even in the heat, furtively crawled around legs to join the line behind them. Zane immediately extended a hand. He didn't care who cut the line, as long as they didn't push past them.

'I'm Zane! Orre's next Champion! And you?'


He awkwardly shook Zane's overenthusiastic hand. 'You're... Professor Mesquite's kid.'

It was an improvement on 'Leon's nephew.' Zane nodded.

'This is Amber. And Cassia. My rivals!'

Cassia tutted. 'If you're wondering if he talks about anything but Pokémon, the answer's no.'

'Heh. I can dig that.'

There was a commotion further down the rapidly growing line. Amber saw purple. Groaning, she buried her face in her hands.

'Excuse me, excuse me! I'll sign everything in a minute...'

Her dad didn't see Seth. He moved to avoid the incoming black boots. As soon as he apologised, his Poké Mart bag hit Zane in the head.

'Sorry, Zane, sorry!'

'Dad!' Amber hissed, 'Go away! There are no other parents here!'

'I've just brought you some snacks and water. I know what you're like – you don't move when you join a queue! OK, OK, I'm going. Good luck!'

Zane looked at the bag as if it smelled. Leon only bought 'healthy' snacks. There was too much for them to eat alone anyway. The bag made its way down the queue. Zane regretted taking nothing when he saw others gratefully cooling off with ice lollies. Hearing people praise Leon only embarrassed Amber more. Seth caught her eye.

'My dad's here, too.'

She was relieved. 'Really? Please tell me he's also going to deliver snacks.'

'Nah. He's too busy being edgy. Walking around in face paint.'

'No way!'

Zane gaped. 'Your dad's Wes? From the Elite Four?'

'And I'll be the first to defeat him.'

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