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(I forgot how easy it is for me to write in 3rd person)

3rd person p.o.v:

  "Ok so what exactly happened?" Changbin's mother said trying to understand the incident that had taken place only minutes earlier.

  Changbin face palmed and jisung just gave a hopeless sigh.

  "Mrs. Seo, we just explained it. We barely understand what's going on either...sadly." jisung said while looking down and frowning a little. He was still shaken up from what happened. On their way back from the store, changbin and jisung had thought of every reason possible to explain the injured boys actions. But sadly, their could have been a million different excuses.

  Mrs.Seo stayed silent for a moment before speaking up, "you guys have been looking into this the wrong way..you guys keep going for the entire situation at once. You need to break it down into smaller sections. There is obviously more than one thing going on here. Let's start off small by trying to figure out what's going on with his foot first. It was injured before you both saw him correct?"

  After letting her words sink in more, both boys nodded.

  "Well, there is only so much that i can do right now... i can try to offer as much help as i can, but there is only so much i can do." Mrs.Seo said with a sigh looking toward the clock. "I need to head back to work, they called me in for an extra shift." She said in a sad tone. She genuinely wanted to help, but she needs to make sure that they can eat also. She looked up toward both boys wearing a smile. "Love you both." She then grabbed her jaw string and walked out of the house. Right before leaving the door she turned around and wished them both luck.

  "Well dang Changbin," jisung started to say while fully laying back on the couch. "We really are on our own haha" his laugh was uneasy and anything but humor related.

  "Come on Ji. Let's get ready for work." I said unenthusiasticly.

Felix p.o.v:

  Our father had left to, what i assume, go drinking. He usually never left this late with the intention to come back before morning. Which meant Olivia and i got the house to ourselves for the night. This was a rare occasion and we where very excited. Of course we had to keep our guard up. I did say usually. But at this point I'll take any time with him away that i can get. The first thing we did was turn on the tv. We rarely got to watch it, so having it on had us jumping. What made it even more amazing is that we finally had food.

  Olivia turned to me. "How about i go pick up some desserts and while you make mac n cheese?" She said excitedly.

  "Shouldn't i be the one leaving this late?" I asked trying to change her mind.

  She shook her head. "No, I've never used a stove. I'd probably burn the water and start a fire. Also if we time it out then when i get back the food will be done. Plus i know where the cafe is and the nice worker would only give me free sweets." She stated in a matter of fact tone.

  "Toućhe(?) " i responded while getting up to go get a pot.

  She ran upstairs to grab what little cash she had. "I'll be back before this spongebob episode ends!"

  "I'm counting on you!" I replied back.

Olivia's p.o.v:

   I started my way off skipping to the bakery. I realized that i had forgotten my jacket, but i didn't really care.

   Of course i bought a weapon with me just in case of creeps, but i would never tell Felix that. Plus i doubt that I'd run into any on my way there. Even if i did I'm used to being hurt so i have a higher tolerance now. But i would never tell Felix that either.

  Sure our dad doesn't hit me as hard or often, but he still takes the chance whenever Felix isn't around. But i can't tell felix it would crush him.

  I continued skipping making my way into the bakery.

  "Hey Changbin!" I said enthusiastically getting him out of his half asleep daze.

  "Hello! I was actually expecting you!" He said while reaching under the counter and pulling out a bag. My eyes widened in amazement as i scrum aged through the bag.

  "Woah all of this!" I said with shock. Not only did it have the giant chocolate and strawberry cupcakes, but it also had a 2 liter soda and a few candy bars. I haven't had soda since my mum had passed away. Saying i was excited was an understatement. It was even my favorite type!

  I looked up at him but he seemed distracted by my arms. I waved him out of his trance.

  "Bro, I'm so paying you back for all of this one day." I told him.

  He shook his head smiling. "Don't worry about it. I told my friend that if he bought all of this I'd let him go home early. Close your eyes real quick."

  I did as he said."i swear if you're going to kill me i will straight up haunt you forever." I said. I heard him laugh and place something in the bag. He said i could open my eyes and i saw him tying up the bag and handing it to me.

  "Now don't open this till you get home, ok?" I just nodded.

  I looked down shy and smiled. "Thank you changbin, you don't know how much this means to me." I then turned around and speed walked out of the cafe.

I kept my promise barely making it home before the spongebob episode finished. " FELIX I'M BACK!" i shouted excitedly.

  "Oh good i just finished setting up the bowls, come on let's eat on the couch! I'll bring them in right now!" I responded with an ok and opened the bag. I gasped. The very first things i saw where 2 $100 bills with a note.

  I don't know what you're going through, but i hope that this gift will make you and your brother smile at least a little.
                         ~CHANGBIN: )

  I shoved the note in my pocket before felix could see it and handed him a hundred dollar bill. Let's just say we both cried and got emotional then totally forgot about it and got sugar high watching spongebob and drinking soda till 3am. It was the best night of my life. It was the most fun I'd ever had. It felt like a super long dream that interrupted my never ending nightmare. This special moment will be cherished in my heart. This is probably normal for other kids, but for me it felt like the sun lit up the entire universe. I have school the next morning but hey, who cares? It's always calm before the storm...


A/n: i wasn't going to upload tonight but here. This is probably such a bad chapter. Also this is the quickest chapter I've ever written. Usually it takes up to an hour but this took about 35minutes. Weeeee. Also this is more of a filler, originally writing this i had the mindset of making it the darkest chapter in this book, but i decided not to. Look at for one soon tho. Thanks for reading my crap story. Love you guysss♡

Tue, july 21st
3:11 am
1267 words written


i can see your scars        ~{changlix}~  FinishedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora